35 : Liberation Brawl .

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After the discovery of a failed 'miracle', Ciel had gone down to the storage of the ship, where Snake and Fuyuki were, feeding the snakes food that Snake had brought from the dinner party.

Fuyuki seemed to be quite lost with what was happening upstairs, and Snake didn't seem to understand either. So when the smell and sight of a moving decaying body appeared behind Elizabeth, Fuyuki had gone into a 'danger' instinct, and had attempted to kill it. But to no such luck, it just continued to stand up. 

It was then, when Snake had pointed out several more coffins with the mark of the Aurora Society, that a surprise look of horror arised on everyone's faces.

Just as the corpses had broken out of their coffins, everyone had began to run. They were unsure of how to kill them, how to get rid of them. And with so many, there was no way that one person or demon, could take on them all. 

"Snake! Take Lizzy to the top of the luggage! Quick!" Ciel ordered as he and Fuyuki tried their best to stop the corpses.

"Aim for their heads Fuyuki!" Ciel commanded, as she had tried once more to rid of the corpses. But it was much harder then it looked to kill a corpse with physical attacks. 

Then a moment came where it looked like Ciel was going to be attacked, only to be saved by Snake's snakes. At that instant, Snake had helped Ciel and Fuyuki climb to the luggages for safety. However, while trying to figure out how the corpses were moving, they began to destroy the crates they were on top of, with their hands and teeth. 

When it felt like it was too late, Sebastian had arrived.

"Sebastian! Don't stand about, clean them up already!" Ciel ordered as held Elizabeth close to him, covering her eyes.

"As you wish." Sebastian answered with a smile, as he smashed the heads of several corpses. 

"Fuyuki!" Sebastian called out to the young maid. "I shall require your help. So I allow you, liberation." 

At the sound of that, Fuyuki stood up with a smile. 

"Keep your eyes shut, Young Master." Fuyuki said with a devious smile, as her eyes fell into a deep red, and her hands spread out beside her. 

It was at the sight of Sebastian decapitating these corpses, of Fuyuki invisbly mutilating the bodies, of the sight of blood, that Ciel began to remember his past. 

Then at the sound of Elizabeth calling his name, Ciel had snapped out of it, only to witness the massacre of bodies created by Sebastian and Fuyuki. Both surrounded by bodies and pools of blood, their bodies splattered with the crimson colour, and smiles of pleasure evident on their faces.

Ciel stared at them as they stared back with those deceiving smiles, and playful eyes. And in his mind he told himself 'They are demons'

She is His Lady : Sebastian Michaelis X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now