12 : To Say He is My Husband .

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"Is this it?" The question was asked. Fuyuki only stared up at the sign reading: 'Noah's Ark Circus'. Never before had she been to a circus, never before had she even heard of one. She of course was never fond of any human traits or human curiosities. 

Fuyuki watched with interest at the ring master and the performances. To think that humans could possess such skills, greatly surprised her. A human that could breathe fire, a human with deadly accuracy, a human that was born half snake, and a human to tame animals. Then again, taming animals wasn't anything special. 

Until the ring master called for a volunteer from the audience. Perhaps animal taming was something special. For a human to not fear something that is to be feared, that would be considered something great. Courage? Perhaps. 

She expected nothing special from this performance, for no one of course would volunteer to appear along with the animal tamer, and her tiger. It was until that Sebastian stood up, volunteering himself. Of course, Fuyuki and Ciel had figured he had found something about the missing children, that was the whole reason to be in this circus. 

Of course Sebastian was picked out of the crowd, and with a simple command from Ciel, Sebastian had set off into the ring. 

Thoughts of how Sebastian planned to find the missing children ran through Ciel's mind. While she, kept wondering to herself why Sebastian would even want to volunteer for such. To her, Sebastian was becoming more and more human like. Annoying. 

Then again, both were wrong. 

"Aah... Such round eyes..." Sebastian complimented, staring into the yellow eyes of the beast. It was at this moment that everyone in the audience froze in horror, while Fuyuki and Ciel freaked out, both thinking the same thing. 

"Crap! Tigers are cats!!!" 

Sebastian continued onward, complimenting the tiger with a smile. With such a close proximity, everyone stood shock, while Fuyuki watched Ciel cover his face in embarrassment. 

The commotion worsened when the tiger decided to bite Sebastian's head, making everyone scream. 

"Ma'am! Is that gentleman with you!?" A worried looking man asked Fuyuki. She sighed in response. 

"Yes. I find it ridiculous to say that he is..." In mid sentence, once again, the tiger bit Sebastian once more, making everyone scream once again. 

"To say he is my husband." She sighed once more, following Ciel, and covered her face in embarrassment.

She is His Lady : Sebastian Michaelis X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now