16 : Forgiveness, a Husband's Way

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With finding no presence of the children at the circus, and Ciel's health, it was thought of best to return back to the townhouse back in London. Where it was fortunate that Agni was able to persuade Sebastian into thinking of Ciel's health first, and to ignore his orders. 

Fuyuki had walked into the kitchen after Agni had instructed her that Sebastian was looking for her to prepare the young master's dinner. 

Entering the kitchen, Fuyuki had peeked in to see that the kitchen had been left in a mess. Letting out a sigh of annoyance, Fuyuki looked around at everything, seeing how much she had to prepare, or if there was anything to prepare. 

"So it appears that Sebastian has already prepared the dinner." Fuyuki stated simply as she began piling dirty dishes, and placing them near the sink. 

It was then that a slice of cake accompanied by a rose had caught her attention. 

"That wasn't there before." Fuyuki said to herself as she approached it. Only to notice a small card that had been placed along with it. Picking up the card, she simply threw it back on the counter as she had realized it was for her. 


"Please do accept my apology." Sebastian stated as he kneel down on one knee behind her, a hand over his chest. 

"What apology?" 

"Why the dessert of course." Sebastian answered with a smile. "It is your favourite is it not? It is only polite for I as a butler, to fulfill the needs of a lady." 

"More of this 'Butler's Aesthetics'?" Fuyuki questioned plainly, walking past Sebastian. 

"Then what should a lady require so I may gain her forgiveness?" 

"Nothing." Fuyuki answered bitterly as she got started on washing the dishes. "We are demons. I do not require an apology, and you do not need my forgiveness." 

"That is quite unlady like." Sebastian mentioned, but she simply ignored him. 

It was then that Fuyuki felt Sebastian's arms wrap around her waist gently. 

"Then accept my apology as a husband. For it was wrong of I to commit sexual acts with others that are not you, my wife." Sebastian said. "I am truly sorry." 

"I do not require an apology." Fuyuki whispered as she leaned her head back into Sebastian, her eyes closed. "And you do not require my forgiveness." A small smile of content on her face. She was pleased. 

"Of course, my Lady." Sebastian answered, a small smile of his own on his face.

She is His Lady : Sebastian Michaelis X OC Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now