Bonus Chapter XI : Easter .

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The Funtom Corporation, a popular name among children for its candy and toys, and dubbed "the candy king" by Harold West, a trader of Indian Goods. 

So it would be most obvious for the young Lord Phantomhive, to host an Easter Egg Hunt supplied by the Funtom Co.. With help from the servants of course. 

"Is this actually necessary?" Fuyuki asked Mey- Rin, it seemed she always being dressed up in costumes now a days. 

"The young master wanted us to dress up for the Easter Egg Hunt, he wanted us to be in the spirit of things." Mey- Rin explained. 

"This sounds ridiculous." She mumbled under her breath. 

But she did go along with it, mostly because Sebastian was with Ciel in the front, welcoming those to the Easter hunt. While she, Fuyuki, was in the back with the rest of the servants, setting things up. 

When everything was set up, Fuyuki went back into to prepare more sweets. In truth, she was hiding. Dressing up was always such an annoyance, like she got the short end of the stick every time. And it always seemed to Sebastian's idea to dress her up in such ridiculous outfits. 

"What a ridiculous attire you're wearing. 

Fuyuki simply groaned. 

"Miyuki, what are you even doing here? I'm surprised Giri no Ani let you out, I would have thought he fears Easter." Fuyuki teased. 

"Don't be problematic." Miyuki scolded. "What is all this anyways?"  

"Young Ciel wanted to host an event for the other children, called it a marketing scheme." Fuyuki explained. "Humans, always out for money." 

"It isn't very appropriate to be speaking of our young master in such a way." His voice emanated from the door frame. 

Fuyuki's eyes widened, she's been found. 

"And why are you hiding?" Sebastian questioned. "You are supposed to be outside entertaining our guest." 

"I was preparing more sweets for the event." Fuyuki replied, causing Miyuki to raise an eyebrow at her. From what she remembered, she was a poor excuse for a maid. 

"You're terrible in the kitchen." Sebastian reminded her. "And I thank you Miyuki, for showing me where Fuyuki is." 

"What? That's why you're here?!" Fuyuki asked annoyed. 

Miyuki laughed as she shrugged her shoulders and left the kitchen. 

Sebastian approached Fuyuki, and reached out for the ears on top of her head, playing and squeezing them. 

"It's not ideal." Sebastian commented with a small smile. 

"You mean it's not your preference." Fuyuki stated, making a comment towards the bunny ears that sat on top of her head. 

"You are my preference, without the costume of course." Sebastian teased, receiving an embarrassed look from Fuyuki. 

Sebastian's demonic smile rises to his lips once more, and leaned in to press his lips against Fuyuki's. Only to quickly release them, as he gave her a peculiar look. 

"You've been eating swee-" 

"Chocolate." Fuyuki corrected with a devious smile. Sebastian hated the taste of sweets, of human food in general actually. "You don't like the taste?" 

"No, I rather taste you." Sebastian admitted, as he then released Fuyuki loosely. "I'll have to taste you tonight then."

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