Bonus Chapter III : Chess .

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Fuyuki was uncertain why she was even doing this. She didn't quite know what she was doing. She had read about it only in books that Sebastian had suggested she read to blend into this human world. But reading is different then actually doing. Then again, she was rather confident. 

"Let's make a deal Fuyuki." Ciel suggested, his smile insisting he wasn't up to anything good. 

"And what deal would you like to make, Young Master?" Fuyuki questioned back with a raised eyebrow. 

"If I win, I would like to know what your sister, Lady Miyuki, was talking about before she left." Ciel addressed. 

"And why would you like to know such a thing?" Fuyuki continued. "I am quite sure that such information would be nothing but a nuisance to you Young Master." 

"I want to know I am able to trust you." 

"You don't trust me now?" 

"You serve me for your own reasons, correct?" Ciel questioned. "I am quite aware that you serve me because of your relation to Sebastian. Other then that, it wouldn't matter to you if you suddenly decided to kill me." 

"Sebastian is under contract to always protect you until what you wish for is done. I highly doubt he will allow me to attack you." She mentioned. 

"I'm sure someone like you could easily get through his defenses." Ciel answered back with a smile. "So, deal?" 


At the end of the day, Sebastian had noticed Fuyuki cleaning up with a rather small pout on her lips. 

"Do any of you know what is wrong with Fuyuki?" Sebastian questioned with a rather worried, yet bothersome expression. 

"Uhh, she said she lost a chess match to the Young Master." Mey- rin answered casually. 

"Oh, is that all?" Sebastian questioned with a smile. 

Perhaps none of the servants or Ciel knew, but Sebastian knew. Fuyuki, hates losing

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