JaeMin Moments (Request)

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Author's Note:

thank u to BTSarmy131210 for requesting this chapter of jimin and jae moments, i hope i did ur request justice (and sorry for the long wait, i've been busy recently)!

how is everyone doing these days? if i don't get at least 20 honest replies to this, i'm gonna be big sad


1. Jimin wasn't one to get angry. Most people saw him as a constantly cheerful, jolly man and to be fair, he was. He never showed frustration or anger when haters attacked him online and he never got riled up when insults were thrown his way. But the one thing that made Jimin's blood boil was if someone he loved was harmed in any way.

It was an inevitable reaction when the group was being hurriedly ushered through the airport only for someone to yell curse words at Jae, insulting her and shoving through the crowd that had gathered to reach out and yank at her clothing and hair. Jimin, who had been walking a few paces ahead of Jae, turned around immediately, pulling a mildly frightened maknae next to him and closer to the center of their group of guards, managers, and members.

And then, he glared at the person that had attempted to get under Jae's skin, settling into a calm fury before saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it." The hater had trembled under his hard, angry gaze before slinking away into the back of the crowd.

This was just one of the many instances that irked Jimin. The group had had their fair share of bad interviews but one interviewer had Jimin clenching his fists to restrain his anger. The interviewer had joked that if he were a female in a group filled with boys, he would be a very satisfied woman. The innuendo wasn't missed by Jimin and his previously smiling face immediately hardened out of vexation.

He was seething and after the interview was concluded he strode up to the producers of the interview to have a few words with them. The interviewer was never seen on that particular show again and Jimin spent some quality time reassuring Jae that her presence in the group was a lot more valuable than what he had previously insinuated.

2. Jimin and Jae were quite a playful pair. These two were always messing around like puppies so it wasn't a surprise to find them running around in the snow together at one of their filming locations.

"Let's make a snowman!" Jimin suggested. So the two got to work building a snowman. They rolled up balls of snow and found sticks for the arms and Jae even got some of the stylists to lend her buttons and a scarf for the snowman.

The two were giggling the entire time, making jokes, and launching snowballs at each other getting the fresh powder in each other's hair and down each other's jackets.

Once their snowman was complete, they posed for a photo which was interrupted by Jae yelling "Snowball fight!" and smacking Jimin in the face with a large clump of snow she had been holding on to for awhile.

Jimin feigned false anger and stalked over to Jae as she ran around and hid behind various trees. He finally caught her and shoved tons of snow into her jacket and the girl shrieked at the cold, wet feeling against her back.

"We should make snow angels," Jae said after the two calmed down from their snowball fight. Jimin responded by flopping into the snow behind him and Jae followed immediately. The two spread their arms and legs, waving them back and forth in the snow to create their own snow angels before getting up to view their work.

Jimin laughed when he saw Jae's. "I love how yours is smaller than mine. It's such a cute little snow angel." He turned to Jae, squashing her pink cheeks together and moving her head around. "So cute, just like you."

"I should be doing this to you!" Jae countered. "You're the mochi here. Not me."

Jimin laughed before guiding her into the cabin the group was staying in and preparing hot chocolate for both of them so they could sit by the fire and warm up after their snow fun.

3. It was no doubt that Jimin was one of the most caring in the group. He went out of his way to ensure that every member was looked after and he was always concerned about everyone's wellbeing. So when Jae walked out of her studio after a long few days of nonstop writing and producing, he was definitely worried by her tired, weak state.

She had a laptop in hand, signifying she wasn't even done working yet and that she was probably going to end up writing more lyrics on one of the beanbags in the living room. And that was exactly what she did as she slumped down into a beanbag, opened her laptop, and stared at her screen for a bit before typing a few things.

Jimin took it upon himself to find some leftovers in the kitchen, heating them all up and bringing them to Jae as she had done for him ages ago when he came back from a grueling practice.

He sat down on the beanbag next to Jae's, chopsticks in hand. "Hi," Jae said, acknowledging his presence.

"Have you eaten?"

Jae shook her head to say no.

"Here, you can keep working, just open up." And so Jimin fed Jae as she continued to type and delete lyrics.

"Last one, here you go." He finished feeding her and went to wash and put away the bowls and utensils only to come back and find Jae breathing deeply as she slept.

His face broke out into a small smile as he watched her finally fall into a much needed resting period. He slowly approached her, moving her hands off her laptop keyboard, saving her work, and closing the laptop before setting it aside. Then he went to his room, grabbing an extra blanket and a pillow and coming back to slide the pillow under her head and tuck her in with the large comforter. She snuggled into the warmth of the blanket and he rested a hand on her head, stroking her hair before muttering a good night and turning the lights off so she could sleep peacefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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