Interview Questions (2)

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Author's Note:

hello hello hello i am back with another quicc chapter cuz i mean i rly have no excuse to not write chapters considering i'm stuck at home for lockdown and whatnot #quarantinelife am i right anyhoo here is a QUICC interview chap just like the one from before

feel free to leave more questions for jae in the comments and i'll do another chapter with y'alls questions for her :) love y'all, stay safe and healthy!


Favorite song/s?

"Ok as someone who works in the music industry, I feel like it's hard to have just one or two favorite songs. Instead, I'll just tell you what I'm currently listening to. Heaven or Hell by Don Toliver, Like That by Doja Cat, Team by Xavier Weeks, Still Feel by Half Alive, and City of Angels by 24kGoldn," Jae said after taking a moment to think about the question.

How have you been spending time during the lockdown?

"Well the boys and I have been isolating together. We miss ARMY a lot, it's really hard for us to stay energetic and lively when the source of our energy is missing. It leaves us feeling empty. As for how we've been spending all the time, it's been great being able to sleep for as long as we want," Jae chuckled, "We're also working on some things for the future and we've been spending a lot of quality time together too. Usually, we're practicing and too tired after schedules to just chill together but the one good thing that's coming out of this quarantine is the ability for us to hangout together and be ourselves and just let loose for a little bit. It is definitely heartbreaking to be away from ARMY but it is necessary in these times to stay home."

Do you have a message for anyone back home?

"Jihun oppa, stay strong and please be safe. I think a lot of people are overlooking the fact that doctors, nurses, and medical staff are on the front lines right now and are risking themselves and their health for the sake of those that are sick. Please show your gratitude and respect by staying home. And for the doctors like my brother that are on the front lines, you guys are doing great! Please take care of yourselves as well and stay strong. We will get through this together!"

How do you deal with hate?

Jae thought about this for a second before speaking up. "There's always going to be good and bad in everything. You just have to accept both and make the best of your situation," she answered simply.

You've been all over the world. What location has been your favorite so far?

"I'll be honest, I love Japan. It's because Japan feels foreign but also like home at the same time. And every time we go, I feel like I see something new or experience something different while we're there. It also gives me the opportunity to practice and improve my Japanese!" Jae said.

Is there any place you would like to perform that you haven't been to yet?

"I've recently heard that we have a lot of Indian ARMYs so maybe India. I've also heard that their food is really good so I want to be able to try a lot of Indian dishes if we get to go!" Jae said, excitement apparent in her voice.

So you guys are super busy. What about dating? Are any of you seeing anyone or interested in a relationship right now?

"To be honest, we're all really focused on our careers right now. Music is very important to each of us and our schedules are usually packed with practices, recordings, performances, and other things. I think for now we're going to focus on building our careers and exploring our potential with our music," Jae smiled, avoiding the true implication of the question.

If you weren't in BTS, what job would you have gone for?

"I think I would've been a choreographer or a dancer. My initial passion for music came from dancing and that was what I was doing before I ever got into the music industry. I probably would've continued dancing and spread that passion to others through teaching."

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