Rage (Part One)

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Author's Note:

hellooo! i'm back with another chapter but uhm in case u've been like "fam u said u were gonna update more often wth is up with these slow ass updates?" well my answer to that question is: I'VE BEEN UPDATING MY OTHER BOOK A LOT MORE LOL (please check it out, i think it's a pretty decent book)

if you're into royal AUs and badass bitches and u actually want me to write with a whole plot and storyline and everything for once then check out Regal, my other book!

but yeah regardless, i'm here with another chap so enjoy, love u guys :)


Jae sat in her studio working on one of the songs for the new album. 1:18 AM was displayed on her digital clock, the numbers screaming at her in bright red LED lighting. She sighed and focused on the song once again, adjusting the headphones she wore over her ears. The words 'Louder Than Bombs' were written in white in the corner of her screen and she stared at the various displays on the monitor.

"How come Black Swan came so easily to me but I'm struggling so much with this one?" she muttered to herself. Jae pulled her headphones down, relaxing in the chair and leaning back with her eyes closed. She stayed like that for a moment before checking her phone. A text from Namjoon appeared on the screen as she lifted the device to her face. 'Don't forget the deadline Jae-ah. Song is due by next Monday,' the text read. It was early Wednesday and Jae figured she needed to take a break from the song since no inspiration was hitting her right now.

"You know what, I'm done for tonight. I'll come back to this tomorrow," she said, letting her words float into the empty air before shutting down the system and dropping her headphones into their place on the desk. She padded out of her studio, turning the light off and making sure it was locked.

One hand rubbed at her eye tiredly while the other rested in the deep pocket of her gray Puma sweatpants as she walked to her shared bedroom. She pulled her phone out of the other pocket and plugged it into the charger next to her bed before slipping under the covers and turning to cuddle up to Jungkook's warm body and finally fall asleep.

Just under 5 hours later, Jae was awake again, brushing her teeth and grabbing comfortable clothes to change into for the day. Their schedule for the day consisted of a recording session, practice, and a photoshoot for an ad. She completed her morning routine and threw on a pair of patchwork cargo pants and a black oversized Off-White t-shirt.

The group made their way from one activity to the next, making sure that each event was completed to perfection and no detail was spared. They got back home around 11 that night and separated to go to their rooms and wind down. Jae however, made her way to her studio once again.

She worked through the night and managed to snag a little over 2 hours of sleep before she was awake for another busy day. On Thursday, Yoongi asked her to stay behind after dance practice and help him nail one of the harder sections of the choreography. They worked until Yoongi was confident, her leading him through the moves slowly and making sure he was in sync with the music.

Once they were done, Jae retreated to her studio yet again. Friday morning, she was woken up earlier to help Jin with some cooking. Friday afternoon, Taehyung asked her to help him rearrange some things in his room. Saturday afternoon, Jimin and Jungkook dragged her into the living room to game with them. Saturday evening, Hoseok asked her if she would listen to some instrumentals he had worked on and help edit them. In between helping the other members and going through the group's schedule, she worked on the album as much as she could. She had no intentions of missing the deadline even if she got caught up helping the other members during the day.

Unfortunately for her, Monday arrived and she hadn't finished the song. She sighed as she continued to stare at the bright monitor in front of her, eyes red and tired from staying up all night after helping Hoseok in an attempt to finish Louder Than Bombs.

She rubbed her right eye and shoved a hand through her hair out of frustration. She put her headphones down and decided to go to the kitchen to grab a glass of warm milk as her way of taking a break from the constant stress of producing.

She was busy pouring milk into a mug when Namjoon's voice startled her, causing her to spill some of the milk on the counter.

"Is the song ready?" he asked.

"Just gimme a sec to clean this up," she said, gesturing to the spilled milk and reaching to grab a kitchen towel to wipe up the sopping mess.

"I asked you a question Jae. I expect you to answer."

"Ah, sorry. I just wanted to get this cleaned before Jin saw the mess and scolded me for it," she giggled.

"You still haven't answered me," he said sternly.

"Geez, what is your problem? I told you I'd answer you in just a second," she turned to face him, "I'll be completely honest. It's almost done, I'm a bit stuck with a few lines but-"

She was cut off by an absolutely livid Namjoon. "Almost isn't fucking good enough Jae! Almost doesn't mean done! You had a deadline today and you have had this information for quite a while now. I even reminded you several times. What have you even been doing these last few days huh? Have you even been working at all? I bet you haven't. I bet you almost got to work but then you decided to do something else. I bet you procrastinated because you figured it was almost done anyway!"

His shouting had caught the attention of several of the boys who had gathered near the kitchen to see what the commotion was about. Jin stepped in as he heard Namjoon's harsh accusations, attempting to calm down the leader of the group but Namjoon shook him off and continued.

"You wanna know what my problem is Jae? You. You're the fucking problem. You never have anything done, you're satisfied with 'almost' and you don't even answer when asked a fucking question! On top of that, you laze around the house and make stupid messes everywhere. You're such a-"

"Namjoon! Enough!" Jin yelled.

"No! She needs to hear this!" Namjoon turned to Jae, "You are a fucking problem Jae. You're the only fucking problem I have with this group."

Jae didn't know when she had started crying but there were hot, messy tears streaming down her tired face. She fiddled with her fingers and backed away slowly, only for someone's arms to catch her.

She flinched away, eyes wide as Jungkook's face held a bit of hurt at her movements but she was lost in her thoughts. She tried not to whimper as she pivoted and ran. She ran to her room, grabbing her wallet, phone, and a hoodie and sprinting out as fast as possible.

"Jae, sweetheart, please don't go!" she heard someone yell but she couldn't even decipher whose voice it was as she continued to move, shoving her feet into a pair of slides and bolting out the front door.

'You are a fucking problem Jae,' was all that echoed through her mind.

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