Mom and Dad

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Author's Note:

guys i have bad news...

mah skool starts soon and i seriously have to focus this year...that means less updates...I WON'T STOP WRITING I'LL KEEP POSTING...just not often

i love you guys and thank you for all the support this book's been getting! but i'm so sorry and i hope y'all will still read and support the book even though updates will be slow now.

welp here's a quick lil chapter with a rly deep jaein moment!



Jae woke up with a start, sitting up in bed and looking around. She was still in her room at the Bangtan house and Jungkook was next to her, his chest rising and falling as he breathed slowly while he slept.

She flung the covers off of her after she had calmed down and tucked Jungkook in, getting out of bed and slipping out of the room. She closed the door after her and padded out to hallway. She was dressed in her koala onesie as it was a bit cold in the house today.

Making her decision, she walked in the direction of Jin's room. She slowly opened the door to see him sleeping soundly in his bed. The eldest member's hair was slayed out and his face was turned towards the door. He was sprawled out in the bed, arms wide open as if he were about to embrace someone. Jae moved into the room and closed the door quietly. She walked over to the side of Jin's bed and stared down at the man for a few moments.

Then, she lifted the covers and got into bed with a sleeping Jin. He stirred at her motion and woke up.


"Yeah, it's me." Her voice came out extremely meek and quiet.

"Jae-ah, what's wrong?" Jin was finally awake and alert, noticing that the girl was coming into his room at 1 in the morning. He sat up in bed.

"Nothing." The girl wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled her face into his chest. His arms came up reflexively and wrapped around her.

"Jae." he deadpanned.

"I wish I had a mom and dad." she mumbled into his chest. Jin realized what this was about. Jae had probably had another dream about her parents.

"You do have parents Jae." he tried to prompt her into telling him more.

"The only thing I have to thank them for is giving me life."

"Jae-ah, you don't need to dwell on people who only brought you trouble and sadness. Think about the people around you that love you. The little brat Jungkook literally won't let go of you. Jimin eats with you and checks in with you and keeps you close constantly. Tae continuously reminds you of how beautiful and talented you are and even though you two are somewhat annoying, none of us would be happy if you didn't go around pranking us and being silly. Hoseok was the most excited when you first showed up, remember? He was so happy that we were getting a girl member. Namjoon and Yoongi also care for you so much and you three have brought our group to where it is with your music. And Jae, I'm always here for you. I love you so much and I don't want anything but the best for you. Besides us you have your older brother and all your idol friends too. You have friends at school and so many people from your past like your taekwondo instructor and your old dance crews that care for you and respect you. We're all here and if your parents don't want to be a part of your wonderful life, then that's their loss."

Jae was crying now. Jin's speech had brought her to tears as she realized that she had so many people by her side and that she didn't need her parents.

"Don't cry." Jin pulled Jae off of him and wiped her tears with a tissue from his bedside table. He caught the last few with his thumbs and then cupped her cheeks with his hands, making her look at him. "We all love you Jae. We're all here."

Jae launched herself back into his arms and they sat there for awhile, Jin holding Jae as she calmed down and started to fall asleep.

"Let's go back to bed princess." The two laid down and got comfortable, Jae's head on Jin's chest as her eyes started to close. Jin played with her hair and patted her back in a soothing rhythm.

Just as Jae was about to fall asleep, she uttered a few words. "Appa, saranghaeyo."

Jin froze for a moment, one of his hands in mid air where it was about to land on her back and another in her hair, not sure if he heard her correctly. But then he smiled.

"Love you too JaeJae." She never heard it though, because she was already asleep. But if there was one thing Jae knew it was that Jin loved her.

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