Filming Antics (1)

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Author's Note:

finally! a chapter! how exciting is this lol. so as i mentioned in my earlier note, i will continue writing but its gonna be real slow (but u guys already knew that haha). with school starting back up, i'm hoping i'll be able to squeeze in a few chapters every now and then but i can't promise anything

regardless i'd like to thank everyone once again for the continued support, the messages i got after the last note made me smile and giggle like a mad man while i read them :) love you all and hope ur all doing well in terms of everything (health, academics, work, love, idk what else but everything)

also I ACTUALLY LAUNCHED MY OWN PODCAST!!! AHHHH! ok i'll shut up about it now hehe but enjoy this chap and hopefully i'll be back soon :)


Filming days were notoriously long and tiring. Regardless of what kind of shoot it was, the group knew they would be on set all day and usually for multiple days in a row. They took things seriously at first, putting on grave, determined faces and immersing themselves in their work. However, as shoots started to become more familiar for the eight individuals, they learned to lighten up and have fun while maintaining their high levels of focus. Most of their antics were filmed for the BTS dedicated BangtanTV YouTube channel. One such moment happened at a photoshoot for Fila.

"Guys," Jae whispered to the camera, "I'm going to go to each member and yell 'trust fall.' Let's see what they do." Jae smiled cheekily as she walked towards her first victim, none other than Hoseok who was focused on his phone screen as he scrolled through what looked to be a clothing website.

"Trust fall!" the girl yelled and Hoseok flinched, looking surprised before processing the words and Jae's falling figure. He didn't hesitate to catch the girl with an exaggerated 'oomph,' phone still gripped in one hand.

"Aish, should you really be doing things like this? You scared me when you yelled!" he scolded with a half smile on his face.

"Nah, I knew you'd catch me. Namjoon however," she trailed off.

Hoseok chuckled. "He breaks things so easily that you might end up with a few broken bones if you tried this around him."

"It's ok, I'll be cautious around our leader. Rumor has it he's been hitting the gym more often. Let's test his muscle development, shall we?" Jae turned to look at the camera, wiggling her eyebrows while Hoseok guffawed behind her. Jae left Hoseok behind and made her way out of the dressing room to see if anyone was lingering around the hallways.

She found 4 of the boys all huddled together, watching anime on Taehyung's phone. She sidled up to the group and asked what anime they were watching only to receive a whispered response from Jin. She waited a few more seconds before yelling "trust fall!" and losing herself to gravity. Immediately, she felt hands on her shoulders, waist, lower back, and upper thighs, keeping her from falling. She giggled while those hands set her upright before turning to the 4 boys who were surprisingly no longer engrossed in the anime they were watching. Each one had varying looks of concern and amusement on their faces.

Jae only received a short few words of scolding from Jimin, Jungkook, Jin, and Taehyung before she was on her way again, walking around in search of one of the two remaining members. Yoongi found her before she found him, coming up behind her and tapping her on the shoulder making the girl jump in alarm.

"Which one looks better?" he said, holding up two silver bracelets. Jae schooled her features into a thoughtful look as if genuinely contemplating the two options the man held before her eyes. She opened her mouth as if to offer her opinion but whipped around, black hair brushing Yoongi's face before yelling the words 'trust fall' yet again and leaning back. Yoongi dropped one of the bracelets but caught the girl.

"Glad to know you can be trusted Min Yoongi," she said, looking up into his face.

"Of course you can trust me, I'm none other than Min Yoongi after all," he said. "But, I still need help picking a bracelet so please pick one and let me get back to my nap."

"The thinner one. It complements your delicate hands." Yoongi nodded at her words, walking away while snapping the bracelet onto his right wrist.

"Well, that leaves us to find our last member. Namjoon, my leader, where are you?" she sing-songed to the camera. She found the leader in the middle of his solo photoshoot and stood near the monitor where the photos were being displayed as they were taken. A few minutes later, the photographer was calling for a quick break to reset some of the lighting as it wasn't providing the mood he was looking for. Jae took the opportunity to stroll up to the leader, greeting the tall man with a smile.

Namjoon smiled back at his youngest member. "What is everyone up to?"

"Ah, the usual. Yoongi's napping, Hoseok's shopping, and the rest are watching an anime."

"I'd love to take a nap right now."

"Stayed up writing?"

"Couldn't help it. I had a bout of inspiration and just had to get it out of my system and onto paper."

"And this is why you are the genius of the group." The two laughed as a light blush rose to color Namjoon's flawlessly smooth, dimpled cheeks. "That being said, I think it's only fair we test your strength and reflexes as well," Jae said.

Namjoon's brows furrowed in confusion as he watched Jae turn and start leaning back. "Trust fall!" she yelled. Namjoon couldn't catch her in time, falling back as Jae's body collided with his slightly larger one. His arms reflexively caught himself on the ground and his body broke Jae's fall. Jae was laughing as she quickly pushed herself off of Namjoon and the ground, standing up and offering the man a hand up.

Namjoon took it gratefully and as she pulled him up she said, "Well you might be the genius of the group but Hoseok was right. You have a knack for breaking things. Maybe God decided he blessed you enough after giving you a massive brain. He decided to make give you slow reflexes to counter your fast thinking," she laughed.

"You know I have slow reflexes, why would you try that on me?" he pouted.

Jae did nothing but continue to laugh and soon after, Namjoon joined in as well.

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