Hair Dye (Request)

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Author's Note:

it's been a solid few months since i've published and i'm sorry but i'm kinda swamped with work until the end of this calendar year :( however i decided to come back and at least release this request from @Liennxliann

for those of u that stick with me despite my inconsistent schedule, thank you and i hope i'll be able to get all my ideas out for you all soon (i literally have a wholeass list of ideas that i've been waiting to write and release like y'all have no clue how much i miss writing about jae and bts) but please stay tuned i promise i'll be back with a ton of new things eventually :)


It was the 1000th day anniversary of the phrase "I purple you" and in honor of it being the anniversary, Jae had decided to dye her hair the color mentioned in the phrase. She hummed a tune as she prepped to get started, when the door of the bathroom opened and Yoongi stepped in. The man stopped as he saw all the items for hair dyeing laid out across the counter.

"Please don't tell me you're dyeing your hair on your own," he said to the girl.

"That's exactly what I planned on doing," came the reply.

"Can I at least help bleach your hair first?" Yoongi said as he picked up the box with a bright purple display of hair on it. "You're definitely going to have to bleach it if you want to reach this kind of purple."

Jae nodded before saying, "I want more of a light lavender or pastel purple."

Yoongi hummed in agreement, rolling his sleeves up and putting on the gloves that came with the box. He started to mix the bleach and carefully apply it to Jae's hair. About 20 minutes later, the girl's short hair was covered in the pasty mixture.

"Alright, you sit tight while the bleach does its magic. I'll be back in a half hour." Yoongi peeled his gloves off and left the bathroom, leaving the girl alone with her freshly bleached hair.

Just about 10 minutes later, two of the members of the maknae line burst through the door holding boxes of blue and red hair dye.

"Jae, we heard you're dyeing your hair can we please add our colors to your hair?" Jimin and Taehyung whined, doing aegyo in an attempt to convince the younger girl.

"But I wanted to do purple," she whined back.

25 minutes later...

Jae didn't know how it happened but suddenly, all 7 boys were crammed in the bathroom with her, each with a hair dye color they picked out. There were multiple hands in her hair and the noise was overwhelming as the boys all yelled at each other.

"Yah Taehyung, stop getting your color in my section!"

"Jin hyung, you're doing it wrong!"

"Hoseok-ah, why is your color the same as mine?"

"Jungkook, that pink is so bright it's almost neon."

The boys had managed to give themselves sections of Jae's head to dye but it seemed to be not going as planned. Suddenly, a yell louder than all the others made Jae flinch into her seat.

"YOU GOT YOUR DYE ON ME!" A furious Jin stared down a smug Taehyung.

"Oopsie," he said.

"Oops? This is not an oops matter Tae!" Jin yelled, his dye brush poised in the air. The room was pin drop silent until Jin's hand advanced forward, leaving a large splotch of bright blue hair dye on Taehyung's arm.

"You got it on me too Jin hyung!" came a cry from Hoseok. And that was the beginning of an all out war with Jae caught in the middle of it all. There was dye on the group's clothes, hair, and bodies. It was as though several color bombs had been set off in the little space of the bathroom and all eight members had coincidentally been in there when it happened. They boys were still angrily pelting dye at each other when Jae had had enough and stood up and yelled.


The room was once again pin drop silent as they all stared at the youngest member.

"Quit it. There's dye everywhere and now our stylists are gonna throw an absolute fit. Everyone apologize, hug, and let's get to cleaning while I go attempt to fix my hair," she said.

The boys sighed and followed the advice of the youngest as she stood in the center with a wide grin, watching everyone hug it out. The peace only lasted until someone's dye landed on her arm. She turned with a murderous look on her face and calmly asked, "Who has the bright pink dye?"

Namjoon slowly raised his hand and a second of silence followed as Jae glared at the man with a stare that could kill. In a split second, she had launched up from her seat and the chaos started once again as the entire room was filled with yells and screams about the messy hair dye everywhere.

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