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Jae was always working. Whether it was 3 AM or 9 PM, she was working. Practicing difficult choreo, writing lyrics, producing music, making dance or vocal covers, or even studying other modern music styles to see what she could pull from new and popular songs, the girl was constantly working. She went nowhere without her laptop and squeezed all extra moments to work.

The boys were observant. After all there were 7 of them and 1 female member. It was natural for them to pay more attention to the unique individual. Most of the time they let her be, but when it came to Jae's health, it was a whole new situation.

The members had all just come back from a week of break after the end to their recent promotions. Each member had taken time to himself and relaxed or even went to visit family. By the time the other members were ready to get back to work after a well deserved vacation, Jae had somehow already come up with draft ideas for their next comeback.

Yoongi and Namjoon stepped into the living room and there she was, sitting on the couch as she waited for their arrival.

"Oh hi Jae!" RM said cheerfully. He had just spent some time with his beloved mother and was ready to start brainstorming again.

"Oppa! Hi! Uh, I wanted you and Yoongi oppa to listen to check some of my lyrics and listen a couple guides." she looked at them hopefully.

"Sure Jae, let's go." Yoongi finally said after a moment of silence. Jae turned and led the way to her studio as RM and Suga shot each other a knowing look. Their maknae had worked through a break yet again. They were concerned that she wasn't taking any time for herself. There was a breaking point for anyone and they were surprised she hadn't succumbed yet. Nonetheless, they sat down and got ready to listen. Both boys bobbed their heads to the music as they analyzed her work so far.

"It's good. I like that one hook part where you added that buildup." Namjoon said.

"The lyrics are nice too. They go with the theme and everything and I think we can find an easy way to split these." Yoongi added.

"I would just work on expanding and maybe switch a few of the words out with some closer synonyms or something just to keep the rhyme you have going from these lines." The boys left her with some quick tips and walked to Namjoon's studio.

"She worked the entire week, didn't she?" RM inquired. Yoongi confirmed with a nod. "We should ask PD-nim for an extension. Infact, we can show him all the work she did and say that we just want to take her out for a couple days so that she can rest and not blow a fuse with her creative juices."

"We should consult the other boys too and see if they have any other backup ideas and points to throw in."

"I'm going to make a little group chat without Jae and we can surprise her with it."

All 7 male members decided to take her out past her studio walls and they quickly confronted Bang PD about it. The man was more than happy to extend their break for Jae and told them to take good care of the girl. He loved the group as if they were his own children and hated that Jae had had all this time to relax but hadn't left the tense idol life for a quick rest.

That night the boys all peeped onto Jae's studio camera system and watched for a while as she worked the night away. She left the studio to grab another bottle of water and the boys all made themselves look busy with something or other and she walked back, noticing nothing as she was too enveloped in her current thoughts of coming up with new melodies.

The clock struck 3:17 AM and Jae had taken no notice of the time as she continued to mess around with her instruments and record new bits of melodies. The majority of the boys had dozed off already and were fast asleep in their rooms or on the living room couch. Jungkook decided to put an end to Jae's mad rush to get work done. The boy walked up to her studio and knocked a couple of times before deciding to just enter. The door was surprisingly unlocked and he made his way over to her seat in her chair.

He didn't bother with words, he was too tired. He swiftly pulled her headphones off and set them down on the desk before pausing the current melody and saving her work. Jae watched silently, the dark eyebags evident under her usually bright eyes. Jungkook turned her monitor off and then turned to Jae. He quickly grabbed her arms and pulled her out of her seat.

This, Jae had not been expecting. She thought he would eventually leave, but her fellow member had other plans.

"Oppa, please put me down so I can get back to work. I'm almost done, I swear." she protested, much to Jungkook's dismay. Jungkook still said nothing as he picked up the stubborn girl up and carried her through the dorm to their shared dorm and finally dropped her onto her bed. She was already in pajamas, having changed earlier when she left to wash her face.

The boy quickly turned off all the lights, leaving the two in darkness before slipping into the covers with Jae rather than heading off to his bed. He pulled Jae into him and started to talk as soon as she was safely tucked into his warm body.

"Jae-ah, you need to stop working so much. We all took the entire week off and we thought you would lounge around, go out, relax, maybe watch a few dramas. Instead, you work through the entire week and put your health and sanity in danger. We don't like that Jae. I don't like that. Just sleep Jae, sleep. Love you." he kissed her hair and effectively silenced her as she succumbed to the pull of sleep.

The next day, the boys packed some stuff for her and for them and tricked her into coming out with them under the guise of going down to the BigHit building because PD called Namjoon and told the group to come. They ended up taking Jae to Myeongdong Shopping Street as well as Insadong for some fun and relaxation.

Author's Note:

Totally didn't just disappear for a few months. Hehehehe. Whoops. But uh, I'm back. Idk for how long, but I'll try to churn out some more chapters. This one was kinda long but there was some goooood Jaekook ya know. I hope y'all enjoy it! Love ya!


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