Trainee Days

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Author's Note:

ok i wanna apologize for that sorry excuse of a chapter that i released a few hours ago. idk i'm not really a huge fan of that one it seemed half-hearted and boring compared to what i usually write. things have been weird with the rona and whatnot but to make up for last time's chapter, here's a better one AND A DOUBLE UPDATE WHOOOOO this is my first double update ever wow this is fun hehehehehehe. it's short but i think it's a lot better than the boring interview chapter i just published oops

anyhoo, i feel like the entire world has lost energy, things don't feel exciting or hype anymore. everyday seems bland and tedious and repetitive. ahhhhh idk how are u guys doing?

but one thing remains constant and it's that i love u guys :)


"Jungkook, I just can't do this anymore," Jae said, voice breaking as she leaned against him for support. The two had grown close, their young ages bringing them together and allowing them to open up to each other and develop a sibling-like bond.

Jungkook watched as a tear escaped the corner of Jae's eye, his heart breaking at the sight of her slumped form against the wall of the dance studio. "I'm so tired," she said. The poor girl was only 13 and the constant stress of doubt was too much to handle.

The two sat, silent tears rolling down their faces as their minds rushed through crippling thoughts of failure. "When are we going to debut?" Jae's soft voice asked.

"I don't know," Jungkook whispered back, his voice deflated and lifeless. Life felt so unfair. Endless practices tired their small bodies out, pressure from their peers stressed their minds, confusion and frustration laced every thought they had, diets and workouts made their muscles sore, and worry fueled the demons in their nightmares.

Coming from outside the studio, the two heard laughter and voices of a couple of the members. They scrambled to wipe their tears and help each other up, pretending to have been practicing the routine this whole time.

Jin was the first to step into the room, bags of food in his hands. But the smile on his face died as soon as he caught a glance of the tear-stained faces of the two youngest members. He dropped the bags he carrying, rushing forward to embrace the boy and girl in front of him.

Jae broke down at the sight of the eldest member, sobbing and trying to form sentences through her teary mess. "I try so hard and I just can't, I just don't know what to do," Jae managed to get out before she was pulled into a tight hug by Namjoon who had walked into the studio behind Jin.

The group fell to the ground, tears flowing steadily down both maknaes' cheeks. Namjoon sobbed, his heart coming undone at the sight of his two youngest members crying. Jin felt physical pain as he saw them like this. This wasn't something that two children who had just entered their teenage years should have to go through. Their worries should've been what their mom was making them for dinner or whether or not their crush would walk to class with them in their middle school. It shouldn't be whether or not they were skinny enough or expressive enough with their dance or the chance of them debuting.

"It's ok. We'll get through this as long as we're together," Namjoon said through the sounds of crying. Jin struggled to gather both kids in his arms, pouring his heart out into his embrace. He felt the need to be strong and to be a role model for the younger members.

Jae lifted the sleeve of her large, oversized sweater to her eyes, one that belonged to Jimin since they were similar sizes and the girl had barely brought any clothes with her to Seoul. "We'll help each other and support each other. We're all gonna work together," Jin said, mumbling into the kids' soft hair.

"Everything you're going through right now will pay off. There's no way around hard work and one day it'll all be worth it," Namjoon said.

Little did they know the truth behind those words back then.

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