Insomnia (Part Two)

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Author's Note:

so i got some very concerning comments along the lines of WJFSLKDFJ WHAT IS THIS CLIFFHANGER and i was like welp i guess i gotta get to writing and publishing part 2 so here it is hehe sry for leaving y'all on a cliffhanger like that but i had to do it, i gotta keep y'all interested somehowww

anyhoo i haven't done this in awhile so here's a question to answer in the comments:

what do y'all do when you can't get to sleep?

that totally wasn't just a question so i can use ur comments as suggestions for when i randomly wake up ahehehe. anyhoo enjoy the chap, i love y'all :)


Jae heard the beeping before she opened her eyes. And when she opened her eyes, the blinding white of the hospital room ceiling greeted her. She looked next to her to see a head of dark black hair asleep on the edge of her bed and a hand in hers.

"Taehyung," she whispered, squeezing the boy's hand lightly. He slowly raised his head and blinked but before he could say anything another familiar voice cut in, followed by footsteps.

"Oh my god, Jae, thank god, please don't do that ever again princess," Jin said, enveloping the girl in a hug.

Jae heard a whimper from the foot of the bed and saw Jungkook on the verge of tears. "You're stupid," he said. "You're not allowed to do that. You hit your head so hard, I was so scared. And there was just nothing, for a split second I thought you were dead."

"Guys, I'm not dead. It's ok, nothing happened. I'm fine. See?" she gestured to herself.

"You were out for six or seven hours Jae. You scared us," Yoongi reasoned. By now, all seven boys had gathered around her bed, relieved that their little girl was awake.

"So what happened?" Jimin questioned.

Jae shook her head and shrugged her shoulders in an 'I don't know' motion.

"I saw you stumble but I thought you just tripped over something. By the time I reached out to catch you, you were on the ground unconscious," Namjoon explained.

"Maybe we should go let the doctor know that she's awake," Hoseok suggested.

"Oh right," Namjoon said sheepishly before exiting the room to find the doctor that had treated Jae when they brought her in.

The boys fawned over her and cracked jokes to get her to laugh until Namjoon got back. As soon as he walked in with the doctor, everyone quieted down and turned their attention to the medical professional.

"Is it ok if I question her privately?" the doctor asked.

"Wait, I'd like for them to stay," Jae said softly, one hand clutching Jin's forearm.

"Alright, that's fine," the doctor said, "The boys told me that you fell unconscious during practice and hit your head. Can you tell me what you felt or saw?"

"Well I don't really remember much. I had a really bad headache and the loud music just made it worse. And then I tripped and I fell and I ended up here."

"Ok, well the good thing is you don't have a concussion. You mentioned a headache. Did you do anything to cause the headache?"

Jae's eyes fell to the blanket in front of her before she started speaking. "Well I spent the previous night playing video games. I didn't really get much sleep. Infact, I haven't really gotten much sleep for the last week," she explained.

"No sleep? I know you're idols. Have you just gotten back from traveling or something of that sort?"

"We got back from a world tour a couple weeks ago," Namjoon answered.

"Ah, that might explain it. I'm assuming you travel through time zones very quickly and because your body doesn't have time to adjust, your sleep schedule is all messed up. I believe these rapid changes are what's causing your sleeplessness," the doctor said to Jae, "It's short-term insomnia. Traveling across time zones, which most people refer to as jet lag, can cause short-term insomnia. It's usually from traveling west to east which is what you seem to have done recently."

"So how can we help her get back to sleep?" Yoongi questioned.

"For now I'll prescribe some melatonin. But there's also really easy methods to solving this. Try a glass of warm milk to try and get to sleep faster. Don't use technology right before bed. This means no video games," Jae smiled sheepishly, "Make sure the environment is right too. So a nice dark room, a warm temperature, etc. And if all those fail, then you can take a small dose of melatonin which should help as well. Once your sleeping pattern is back on track, you can rest easy," the doctor smiled.

"Thank you. We'll make sure she gets some sleep," Namjoon said, smiling gratefully at the doctor.

"No problem. Take care! They'll give you the prescription when you check out which you're free to do now. Bye!"

As soon as the doctor left, Hoseok playfully glared at the girl. "Video games all night huh?"

"That was just one night! I couldn't get to sleep and I was so bored!" Jae defended herself.

"Ok well no more evening gaming for you. Let's get back home and put you to sleep. It's already 10," Jin said.

Once the group got back home, everyone showered and changed into comfortable clothing for the night.

"Jae-ah!" came Jin's call from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" Jae yelled back.

"Come here!"


Jin stood in the kitchen, a mug of warm milk in his hand. "Here, drink."

Jae obediently grabbed the mug, sipping on the milk and then deciding to just drink it all at once.

"Good girl," Jin praised her as she handed the mug back to him. "It's time to head to bed, let's go."

Both members walked into the hallway connecting all the bedrooms and Jin ruffled her hair before bidding the girl good night and walking down to his room. Jae padded into her room and saw Jungkook awake, scrolling through Twitter on his phone. He looked up when she walked in and turned his phone off to put it on the nightstand next to his bed.

"Time to sleep, JaeJae. Let's get some rest," he pulled her by the sleeve of her shirt, which was actually his, and dragged her into a cuddling position. His leg over hers and his arms around her smaller frame, the two settled into each other's embrace naturally and closed their eyes.

About two hours later, Jae was still awake, unable to get some shut-eye. She walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, thinking about going to her studio and working on some lyrics when Jimin walked into the kitchen as well.

"You should be asleep," he said.

"Jeez, you scared me. Couldn't get to sleep. Why are you awake?"

"I needed water."

"Me too."

The two drank their fills in silence. Jae finished first, setting her glass down and walking in the direction of the hallway.

"Hey, why don't we get all the other boys to come have a sleepover in the living room? That might help you get to sleep," Jimin suggested. It wasn't a bad idea but Jae didn't want to wake everyone up.

"I don't know. Everyone else is asleep," she said.

"You'd be surprised by how many of them are still up. And I'm sure Jungkookie is gonna come looking for you soon," Jimin chuckled.

Jae sighed. "Alright why not?"

The two rounded up the rest of the group and they all dragged blankets and pillows into the living room. With Jae in the center, all eight members were on the floor, ready to get some sleep. They made small talk in the dark, none of them really ready to be in a deep sleep yet.

"Jae, what about you?" Taehyung directed a question at the girl but no answer came. "Jae?" he looked over at her to see her curled into Jungkook's side, fast asleep. He gestured for the others to stop talking and look. Each member smiled at the sight. When they were all together, they could accomplish anything. Even if it meant putting their baby to sleep.

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