A Day Off

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Author's Note:

wowowow another chapter? and i haven't gone totally awol? this is a miracle ladies and gentlemen. but yes i am back with another chapter yeeticus (sry i've been busy updating my other book which y'all should check out i been tryna make it pretty decent) 

here's some jaekook for all those jaekook shippers out there gotta feed the ship ya know let that ship sail out into the vast vast ocean. btw i love u guys 💜💜💜 and thank you for getting this book to freaking 350K that's actually insane and like i genuinely can't believe that we've done this together holy schnitzel that's a lot of reads


Jae stirred in her sleep, moving closer to the source of warmth emanating from next to her. An arm tightened over her waist, pulling her closer and stopping her movements. She rested her head on a firm chest, content with the new position.

Jungkook kissed the top of Jae's head where it lay on his chest and he used his free arm to stroke her hair. "Baby we need to get up," he said softly to Jae. Jae simply groaned into his chest before snuggling further into him.

"We have a day off Kook," she mumbled.

"Oh, you're right. I guess we're spending the whole morning in bed then," he chuckled.

"Yes sir that is correct. Now shhhh, just close your eyes and get back to sleep."

The two spent the entire morning under their blankets, tangled up in each other's arms before deciding it was time to spend their day off doing something. The two got out of bed and leisurely showered. Jae was dressed in a pair of light blue jeans and a red and black striped long sleeve shirt. She accessorized with two layered silver necklaces and finished the outfit with a pair of white high top converse. Jungkook had on a pair of dark blue jeans, a black shirt tucked in, a gray beanie, a belt to cinch his outfit, and a pair of rust colored Timberlands to top it off.

The youngest members decided to have a picnic and got Jin to pack them some food. They stopped at a convenience store to pick up a variety of their favorite snacks and drink before they headed to a nearby park. Jae spread out a blanket on the ground as Jungkook unpacked food. The two settled down, playing music from a speaker and talking as they ate their food. The finished up and Jungkook sat with his back against a tree, beckoning Jae to come sit with him. She sat in between his legs, her back against his torso and Jungkook wrapped his arms around her waist. They hummed to some songs before Jungkook started to playfully tickle Jae.

"Yah, stop!" she squealed and laughed as Jungkook hovered over her, still furiously tickling the girl. Jae managed to slip out of his grasp, getting up and reaching to grab Jungkook. He got up as well, running away.

"Jeon Jungkook!" she roared before sprinting after him.

"Catch me if you can!" he yelled.

"I'm coming for you Jungkookie!" she grabbed a bottle of water from their picnic, unscrewing the cap as she ran after him. Just when she was a few feet behind him, she tore the cap off and flung the water at Jungkook, soaking the older boy. She started laughing as he turned around slowly, water dripping out of his damp hair.

"I'm giving you five seconds to run away before I end you," he said menacingly. Jae stopped laughing and threw the empty bottle to the ground before she turned around and started sprinting away.

"Lee Jae-Eun! I will get you back princess!" Jungkook shouted before he broke into a full sprint and ran after the girl. Jae screamed and ran even faster, zig-zagging in an attempt to shake Jungkook off her tail. Unfazed, Jungkook caught up to Jae, grabbing her shirt and pulling her back into him before he lifted her off her feet and carried her back to their original picnic spot, both of them laughing the entire time.

"Ah finally I have you. Your punishment is to clean up while I sit in the sun and dry off," he said jokingly.

"Yes sir," Jae laughed as she started to put everything away. The two eventually walked back to the dorm and showered after the day's activities. Jungkook sat on the bed in gray sweats and a t-shirt as he waited for Jae to finish showering as well. She stepped out in a pair of shorts and one of his hoodies.

"Do you wanna watch a drama?" Jungkook asked.

"Is that even a question? Of course. I'll go grab snacks if you set up," she said, leaving the room. Jungkook turned on the TV and connected it to a laptop, playing one of their favorite dramas. He unfolded multiple blankets, spreading them out over the bed and propped up a bunch of pillows so they could sit up and eat. Jae came back in holding bags of snacks as well as two drinks. She closed the door and set the food down on a bedside table before climbing into the bed with Jungkook and settling next to him. With the lights off and the screen displaying a drama, the two ate and watched the show until they fell asleep enveloped in each other yet again. 

To them, it was the perfect day off.

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