Hearing (Part One)

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Author's Note:

hallo mah bois i'm back with a chapter after a long time ahehehe hope y'all enjoy this and i'll see u whenever mah school work decides to die down a bit lol

btw there will be a part two to this sometime soon (hopefully tomorrow lol)

since i don't have much to say it's time to ask y'all another question so we can get to know each other a bit more

today's question is...


so my fav genre is definitely action and adventure but i also love watching comedy every now and then. i don't actually have like a number one movie just cuz i like so many that i can't possibly pick one.

aight enjoy the chapter!


The group was performing on stage during a concert and were in the middle of their latest title track, Idol. They had been in a rush earlier that morning during soundcheck because BTS was traveling from city to city much too fast for them to do a soundcheck at their own leisure the day before the concert. So no one noticed when Jae's earpiece started to have problems.

The music and sound of Jae's voice cut off in her ear at random areas, turning into static and then coming back to the original track. She furrowed her brows slightly and continued to perform despite the struggle. She thought her earpiece was simply about to power down and stop working.

But no one expected it when Jae's earpiece let out an extremely high pitched and sharp sound which pierced through her left eardrum and had Jae clutching her hand to her ear for a quick second. Jae ripped the earpiece out to stop the pain from the sound and continued to perform, gritting her teeth in annoyance and pain.

When the song was over and the stage lights darkened, she sprinted off stage and headed straight for backstage while she unhooked the wire that led to her earpiece. She made it to the dressing room and flung the object onto a table before turning to her stylist and started to get changed. Yoongi came up to Jae after he was done changing to ask if she was ready to go back out and that was when he noticed it.

A vibrant red stream of blood was dripping slowly out of Jae's left ear and falling onto the floor next to her and she was rushing through her changing to notice that there was a streak of red on her shirt where the shirt had wiped across her ear when she pulled it on.

Yoongi immediately grabbed Jae's hands, stopping the fumbling during which she was trying to straighten out her white shirt. "Jae. Hold on." He reached a hand up to her left ear and it came away red with her blood and she gasped before walking to a mirror and turning her head quickly to observe the damage.


"What happened?" Yoongi asked as he grabbed tissue and started to try and stop the bleeding.

"I-I-I don't know. One minute my earpiece was fine and the next it was all staticy and after a few seconds it let out this absolutely terrible loud high-pitched sound and then my ear hurt so I took out the earpiece and kept dancing but it hurt but I knew I had to keep going and-"

"Woah, woah, woah. Calm down. We have a few minutes before our next performance anyway. Slow down and tell me what happened." he stopped the mad rush of words that tumbled out from the girl's mouth. Jae finally gathered herself and slowly explained what had happened in the last four minutes. Yoongi's face turned from calm to concerned very quickly and it was then that Namjoon and Taehyung came over to the two to see what was going on.

Yoongi quickly explained and Namjoon took control of the situation as he called over a manager and asked for help. "We should get her sent to the hospital and checked immediately just in case any internal parts of her ear were affected." he said.

"Wait, but we're in the middle of a show! I can't just leave! Think about the ARMYs that paid and waited so long to see us perform. I can't go!" she protested quickly.

"Jae, your health is the top priority for us and for ARMY. They would want you to get checked and put on an excellent performance instead of hurting yourself and continuing to perform while you're in a lot of pain." Namjoon tried to comfort Jae.

Jae looked down and her lips trembled at the thought of having to leave in the middle of the concert. She loved performing and seeing ARMY and she didn't want to just leave but she knew it was better to leave now and come back stronger. Taehyung put a comforting hand on her back and helped her take off the fancy jacket that she had donned for the next song.

"It's ok. You'll just go get checked and then you can perform again tomorrow night." he said.

"But what about the people tonight?" she whined.

"It's ok. They'll understand. We'll go tell them right now. Just go with the manager for now. We'll catch up to you in an hour or so."

Jae sighed and finally gave in. "Fine. I'll go. Tell ARMY that I'm so so so sorry and that I'll be back quickly. Oh and tell the other guys good luck on the rest of the show. I'll see you all in the hospital." She was quiet the whole way to the hospital as she held tissue to her still bleeding ear.

One hour and 30 minutes later...

The guys finally arrived at the hospital they had taken Jae to and quickly walked to her room where she was just finishing the check up. The doctor walked out, leaving Jae with a nurse who was properly bandaging Jae's ear. The boys looked up quickly from their seats on a bench as they anxiously waited for news.

"I'm assuming you are her friends?" the doctor said.

"Brothers. We're her brothers. Her family." Namjoon said strictly.

"Ah, ok. So anyway, Jae's left ear has obviously been affected. It turns out that the sound was much too high for a human ear to handle and her ear has to be bandaged and looked after extremely carefully for a week or two. Upon closer examination it has been determined that a little part of the ear has been severely damaged and will require surgery to fix." he paused, watching the boys' expressions go from slightly relieved to stressed again.

"So, what exactly is going to happen concerning this surgery?" Jin hesitantly asked.

"Well, there are multiple issues with the surgery. Number one, she must wait at least a week and a half for the ear to heal over a bit on it's own. Number two, absolutely no loud noises or use of headphones or anything going around, in, or near her ear. Number three, the surgery has quite a low success rate. If she goes through with it there is a high chance she will lose hearing in her left ear. It could range from completely losing her hearing to only partially losing her hearing in that ear. But there is still the chance that everything will be fine and her ear will be totally normal."

To say the boys were shocked would be an understatement. Their thoughts were flying as they leaped from conclusion to conclusion, thinking of the worst possible scenarios. The doctor started to speak again.

"I've heard that Jae is very involved in the music industry and that she is in the midst of a world tour?" he looked at the boys for confirmation and Namjoon nodded his head. "Unfortunately, I cannot allow her to perform for awhile as it would only damage the ear even more because of all the loud sounds and the requirement for an earpiece. Please understand that this is best for her health and that she must get through the surgery and then completely recover before she can get back to her usual lifestyle." With that, he bowed and left the room. The 7 boys turned to each other in shock and they wondered if Jae knew about all of this.

The nurse then opened the door and spoke to the group. "You may go in to see her now." she said with a smile and walked away, leaving them in the privacy of the small hospital room. Jae was sitting on the bed, legs dangling off of the side and her left ear was totally covered in clean, white bandages.

"Jae-" Namjoon started.

"I know. He told me already. I'm gonna do the surgery two weeks from now. On Thursday the 24th. I don't care how low the total success rate is. I want to take the chance so that I can come back stronger to music and to you guys and to ARMY." she said.

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