
4.8K 124 24

Author's Note:

aight aight i been gone for a little while my bad fam sorry sorry! anyhoo we've had a lot of soft chapters recently and while i was gonna release a very intense chap (if ya know what i mean) i decided to continue the soft moments just because this idea was a lot easier for me to write and i really wanted to get some content out for you guys cuz i've been flaking on a lot of chapters recently oops but anyway buckle up and get ur uwus ready guys i legit melted while i wrote this my god #namjae because damn this moment hits u real hard

also holy shit we broke 600K and even got to 615K literally over the last few days! like what? thanks guys, this is a new record for the family, i honestly can't believe that we've done this! i love y'all so so so so so much :) enjoy the chap, i'll be back with more!


Namjoon sat on the grass outside, hands behind his head and eyes closed as he leaned against a tree trunk. The sky was changing colors as day transitioned into night and the warm summer air shifted into cool evening air, leaving a light trail of goosebumps on his bare arms. He had come outside to clear his mind and relax in between stressful producing sessions.

The sharp smell of cedar floating through the clean air was interrupted and replaced by the softer smell of lavender and coconut, the unmistakable scent of Jae's new favorite shampoo. Namjoon didn't acknowledge the girl, choosing to let her lay her head on his lap, her dark silken hair brushing against his exposed thigh muscles.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a bit, his eyes still closed while hers watched the sunset. As soon as the sunset faded, Jae spoke up.

"What's on your mind?" she asked softly.

Namjoon finally opened his eyes to look down at the girl. He reached to pull Jae into a sitting position, opting to loop his arms around her waist and pull her back so that the girl was laying against his upper body. Her weight against him felt warm and comforting and he left his arms wrapped around her frame loosely, ensuring she wouldn't move. Her head was placed right under his chin while his legs came up to surround them.

"Nothing much. I just needed air," he replied. Jae hummed in reply, taking a deep breath before speaking again.

"Look, the first star of the night has appeared!" she said excitedly, pointing at where it shined in the dark sky.

Namjoon chuckled at her enthusiasm and Jae felt the vibrations of his chest under her. "You know that's where a constellation should appear soon if the rest of the stars come out of hiding," he said.


"Yep. Why don't you try and guess which one?"

"Joon, do I look like I have the constellations memorized?"

"You're a smart girl, you can at least guess a few of the popular ones."

"Fine. The Big Dipper?"


"The Little Dipper?"


"That's it, I give up," Jae huffed.

Namjoon laughed once again, tightening his arms around the girl's waist before leaning down to whisper in her ear. "Lyra," he said.

Jae turned around in his arms, smacking Namjoon's chest lightly. "You really thought I would know that off the top of my head?"

"It was worth a try," he shrugged his shoulders, a teasing smile on his face as he watched her turn back around and gaze at the sky once more. The male sighed, moving his gaze up to the stars as well. As he watched a few more stars appear in the night sky, he came to a realization.

Whether or not Jae was aware of it, her presence had calmed his mind and alleviated his previous stress. He felt as though he had reached a certain level of clarity and he now understood how to attack his problems back in the studio. He felt like he could breathe again and that his life was void of any struggles.

That wasn't the only realization he had arrived at. He also realized how grateful he was for the girl in his arms. He couldn't help but thank his lucky stars that Jae had somehow ended up in Bangtan. Every nerve ending that connected his heart to the rest of his body tingled at the conclusion he had come to. He loved her. He loved her to the moon and back, he loved her more than there were stars in the sky, and as long as those stars continued to shine, he would continue to love her to the ends of the galaxy and back.

Namjoon smiled at his thoughts and raised a hand to run it through Jae's long, black hair. "I love you Jae."

Jae's face broke out into a grin as she tilted her head up to look at Namjoon's face. "I love you too."

Namjoon leaned down to place a chaste kiss on Jae's forehead before looking back up to see the constellation that had fully appeared before them. "Look Jae, it's Lyra!" The two continued to stargaze until it got too cold to stay outside. Later that night, Namjoon walked into his studio with a smile, finally feeling at peace with himself.

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