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Author's Note:

i mentioned jae had adhd in the first chapter with the facts about her and i never really explained more about it so here is a little explanation and the first time the boys learned about her ADHD.

y'all are seriously too much i mean my last chapter was like barely at 16K and now i'm past 17K what is going on awiuughawriu i seriously love y'all so much holy shit.


The fact that Jae had ADHD never really deterred her from her time at school. She was an exceptional student but as she grew, her ADHD became more and more apparent. While her education wasn't affected, her career was a bit harder to maintain with the condition.

Namjoon was aware of her state and served as her reminder to take her ADHD pills but of course, both of them tended to forget every now and then. Her personal affects were that she wouldn't be able to focus and was pretty moody during her episodes.

One particular day, she was extremely off. She couldn't focus on anything and was extremely restless. She had a short attention span and wasn't really listening to anything anyone said. She was also having a hard time maintaining a single mood and switched between aggression, boredom, and sadness frequently that day.

This was the day the boys all found out about her ADHD. They had vocal practice that day and were running through many songs but Jae just couldn't focus. She would get up in the middle of a song and pace a bit before sitting back down. She would forget her parts and zone out, thoughts traveling to another world. She would get frustrated and then suddenly take on a calmer demeanor. Her behavior was confusing the boys. Eventually, Yoongi spoke up.

"Jae, what are you doing?" he asked, frustration evident in his tone. They had had to repeat the same song around 6 times now because she kept missing her parts.

"Huh?" she hadn't actually heard the question.

"Jae! I asked you what you are doing! You're never like this! You've been so unfocused and restless today! What's wrong with you?" his voice rose as he continued. "Get it together Jae! We have a goddamn tour coming up and we have to prepare! Are you even serious about this?"

She was already frustrated and her face took on an angered expression. But instead of bursting into shouts, her face suddenly dropped and she started to bawl. The boys were astonished. Now they were confused as well.

"Jae, what's going on? Baby, are you ok?" Jungkook said as he approached her.

"No! Leave me alone! I don't know what's wrong!" she yelled, forgetting about her ADHD and that she hadn't taken pills this morning. Jungkook flinched at the harshness and backed away.

It was then that Namjoon finally figured out what was going on. "Oh shit!" he swore before running out the door and coming back with medication, tissues, and water. He wiped Jae's face off gently and held out her pills and the water, gesturing for her to take them. She downed it with realization and the effect was immediate.

"Wait, someone explain what just happened. Hyung?" Jimin questioned.

"Uh, I think you should hear it from JaeJae." Namjoon turned to Jae. "Do you want to tell them?" he asked softly. She nodded.

"It's really not that big of a deal. I have ADHD. And I forgot to take my pills this morning." she cut straight to the point.

"Wait, seriously? Since when?" Jin said.

"I've had it since I was born but it apparently developed as I got older and didn't really appear until I was 15 or so." she explained. "Joon oppa has been my pill reminder but I guess we were both rushed this morning and we both forgot I had to take my medication."

The boys were quiet for a minute before Yoongi spoke up.

"Princess, I'm sorry for lashing out at you. I didn't know." he said with a soft expression.

She shrugged her shoulders. "No biggie. I get that it's hard to work with someone who's so affected by it. Oh well. We're a team, we'll find a way to get through this together." she said matter-of-factly.

"Alright, so back to practice?" Namjoon said, reigning the focus back to the task at hand.

From then on, at least one of the boys would make sure to check up on Jae and ensure that she had taken her medication.

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