Periods (2)

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Author's Note:

my my my its been awhile oops sry guys but I'M BACK with this chapter hehe. thought i'd do another version of my previous periods chapter but uhm different? also i included a bonus section for the first time sooooooo yeah idk why i just thought it'd be funny

i've got a few people waiting on requests and i promise i'll get those out soon, i'm working on a couple and i wanted to get something out while i work on the other stuff so yeah don't lose faith in me

also we somehow managed to hit and surpass 700k awhile back and i'm honestly so shook guys like how has this happened fam a whole 700,000 reads is actually insane i love u all so much and i'll be back with more soon :)


Jae was getting worried. She stared at the bright graphics on her phone screen, the app telling her that she was past day 47 on her cycle and still no period for the month. Her periods definitely fluctuated but never this much. She shrugged it off hoping she wouldn't have to pay for it in the form of agonizing cramps and bizarre cravings.

The next morning, Jae walked into the bathroom, ready to take a shower and prep for a full day of work in the studio as she had planned. She pulled off her sleeping shorts and tossed the oversized cotton t-shirt into the hamper before stepping into the tiled shower. She hadn't even turned on the water when she felt it. The slight trickle of liquid between her legs. She didn't even have to look to know that the time had come.

Jae sighed dejectedly, not ready for a week of heating pads, tampon changes, and sheepish chocolate gorging sessions. After showering and throwing on some underwear, she made her way to the closet, flinging the jeans and crop top she had originally chosen to the side and walking towards her pile of sweatpants. She picked out a gray pair and then proceeded to raid Jungkook's side of the enormous walk-in. She flipped through several hangers before picking out a simple black zip up that would just barely cover the Calvin Klein sports bra she had settled on underneath. She zipped up the jacket three quarters of the way, letting it slip off one shoulder and forming sweater paws with the long sleeves.

She swept her hair into a messy bun and grabbed a sock from her drawer before heading into the kitchen to find rice. Most of the boys were sitting at the island, talking and laughing about various things. Jae simply walked into the pantry, reaching for the large rice bag and scooping some of the grains into her sock. As she walked to the microwave, she tied up the sock and then chucked the whole thing into the box and setting the time.

She plopped into the chair next to Taehyung, leaning on his shoulder and dramatically raising her voice as she exclaimed, "Why the hecking heck does the world want to punish me for being a good girl and practicing abstinence?"

Taehyung chuckled next to her as the other boys quieted down at the sudden appearance of their youngest member. "You look comfortable in those clothes," Jungkook remarked from the other end of the kitchen, taking note of the zip up that he would have to work hard to get back from the girl now.

"Comfortable? Excuse me? Have you ever bled out of your vagina for six days? I don't think so. You know why? Last time I checked, you didn't have a vagina to bleed out of," she retorted.

Hoseok knew she had little control of herself when she was experiencing cramps so he decided to rile her up just a little more. "Ok but have you ever been kicked in the balls?" he asked smugly. The other guys winced a little as he mentioned it.

Jae slapped the island's surface, sitting upright and laughing sarcastically. "How dare you say that? I don't just bleed for six days, I would be fine with that but no. Guess what? Headaches, bloating, cramps, back pain, cravings, breakouts, and even boob pain are all included in the period package."

Yoongi, who had stayed quiet, decided to push Jae even further and decided to mutter just one syllable. "Ew."

The boys' heads all swiveled towards the usually mature man, eyes wide and bodies tensed. "What have you done?" Jin whispered.

"Oh hell no Min Yoongi. I'm sure your mother was praying to get her period but got you instead, tragic," Jae yelled. She got up, grabbing her homemade heating pad out of the microwave and storming her way into her room. "Do not disturb me or my rice unless you have my favorite chocolate," she deadpanned before slamming the door shut.

"I guess that's the cue to run to the grocery store for snacks and plenty of chocolate. Who wants to come with?" Jimin asked.

"It's my turn to watch the second Fast and Furious movie with her so I'm gonna get a head start on that," Taehyung said, whistling as he walked towards Jae's room ready to shower her with plenty of hugs.

"I've got Advil in my studio, I'll grab some and go apologize to the devil herself," Yoongi decided.

"I'll come with," Hoseok said, scratching his head sheepishly.

The rest of the boys dispersed through the house, falling into their monthly routine of caring for 'the devil' as Yoongi had called her.

BONUS (things jae says during her periods):

1. "Should I get pregnant just so I don't have to deal with periods for a few months? Anyone down to have unprotected sex?" she said while lying on the living room couch. A sudden cough came from the adjacent kitchen and several of the boys who were also lounging in the living room had to stifle awkward laughs.

2. "I can't decide between a giant bowl of pasta or a giant bowl of chocolate chip cookies."

"Both," a voice whispered behind her.

"Good idea."

3. "Why do I even need to shed my lining? Just keep it in there goddammit."

4. "Wait if I'm losing eggs does this mean I'm losing children? No! My babies!"

"Jae, that's now how it works."

"Shush, what do you know about childbirth anyway?"

5. "I just wanna hold my boobs and tell them it's gonna be ok."

6. "I can't wait to be 50 and not have periods anymore."

7. "Why was I born a woman? What would my name have been if I was born a man? Wait a second. Jae can be a unisex name. Oh my god, what if I'm secretly a guy?"

8. "Do all the female species get periods or just humans? Cuz if not then I wanna be a female cow in my next life."

9. "Hey Jungkook wanna switch genitals for the rest of this week?"

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