Amusement Park (Request)

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The group was heading out to shoot a day at an amusement park. Everyone was excited as they piled into the car and got settled for the hour long drive to the park.

"So, what are you guys most looking forward to?" One of the producers asked in the car.




"Hoseok, you look a bit nervous." he said.

"Uh yeah I'm not too thrilled about the rides." Hobi said hesitantly.

"Aw oppa, it's ok. We can ride some together!" Jae smiled at J-Hope before grabbing his hand with hers and running her thumb over his hand in a subtle attempt to calm him down.

The rest of the ride was spent as the members talked amongst themselves. Eventually, they finally made it to the park where they paid for tickets and then headed into the exciting place.

"Wah! Look at that roller coaster!" Jungkook yelled as he pointed to the highest contraption on the park's grounds. He started to head over before Jin yelled at him.

"Jungkook, let's start here and go on every ride one at a time so that we don't miss anything!" he said. The others nodded as they agreed with the idea and they set off to get on some rides. They had gone on about six rides before they came to a section filled with carnival games.

"Oh my god! Look at that giant stuffie!" Jae started pointing at a huge Rilakkuma plush.

"Jae, do you want it?" Jungkook asked. Jae turned, eyes full of hope, and nodded furiously. "Ok, let's go try to get it." he smiled at her.

The entire group decided to split up for a half hour as they played different games and Jungkook and Jae headed to where she had seen the big plush. The game was a throwing game. Players were supposed to use bean bags to knock down metal cans that were set up in a pyramid.

"Can I get 3 bags please?" Jungkook asked the vendor. He paid and grabbed the bags, ready to hit the cans. In just 2 tries, he had successfully knocked down all 15 cans that had been set up. The vendor was surprised at the ease with which Jungkook had beat the game. Jungkook asked for the Rilakkuma toy and Jae ran over to hug Jungkook.

"Yay! Thank you Kookie oppa!" she said as she hugged him. He chuckled at her and handed the stuffie to Jae as she tucked it under one arm and started to head back to the decided meeting place. She saw Jimin, Taehyung, and Yoongi already there so she ran ahead.

"Guys! Look what Jungkook won for me!" she said as she proudly held up the toy.

"Woah! That's pretty big! Go Jungkookie!" Jimin said.

After a few minutes, the rest of the members had showed up and the group decided to get lunch. They all headed to a restaurant in the food section of the park and sat at a table, laughing and ordering. Jae was in between Jin and Suga.

"Jae here," Jin called for her and she turned as he held up a spoon full of food for her. He fed her throughout lunch, claiming that it helped her eat faster and that they could go out to get on some more rides sooner.

While they waited for the food to settle, they decided to take a few pictures and update their twitter account.


Anpanman at the amusement park #Jae #Jungkook

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Anpanman at the amusement park #Jae #Jungkook


army_1: OOF MY SHIP


army_3: iuawrhgawri jae is so cute

army_4: date already.


Oppa, you're shoulders are real nice #Jae #Jin

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Oppa, you're shoulders are real nice #Jae #Jin


army1: wow did jae take this pic? cuz damn that's skill

army2: jae knows what to feed us hehehe

army3: aesthetic af

The day passed by as the members walked around the park, going on rides, eating food, and laughing at jokes. They had a great time, even J-Hope, who did ride the tallest coaster with Jae gripping his hand and screaming next to him. They all walked over to the final destination for the day, the square where they would be holding fireworks.

They lined up together, huddling closer to one another to keep each other warm. Jimin came up behind Jae and unzipped his jacket, then reached forward and pulled Jae back into the warmth that was emanating from his body and the jacket. He backhugged Jae the entire time as the members watched the fireworks in awe.

"Wow that was amazing."

"I wish we could go on the coaster again."

"I'm just glad I got a stuffie."

"Carnival food is so good."

"I'm tired."

These were the comments that ensued as the group headed back to the car to head home. Jae sat in between Namjoon and Hoseok, quickly falling asleep on Namjoon's shoulder. He put an arm around her and tucked her closer as the group headed back home after a great day at the amusement park.

Author's Note:

YAAAY! ANOTHER REQUEST! This one was fun to write cuz there's so much you can do with amusement park scenarios. I showcased a few more little moments of ships between Jae and the members so I hope y'all enjoyed that!

To the person who requested this chapter (IWillFindIt) I hope you enjoyed and thank you for requesting!


aight to end this chapter i'mma ask another question

who is ur bts bias...and why

my answer: JUNGKOOK (if u couldn't tell already lmao) BECAUSE HE'S SO MULTITALENTED AND BEAUTIFUL AND JUST WOWOWOWOW. ok y'all can answer now lmao

also y'all i changed my username and stuff but it's still me hehehe ok bye now i'll be back with some more stuff later

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