Snow Days

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Author's Note: (this one's long i'm sorry please forgive me ahehehe love u)

it has been awhile since i've even logged into wattpad and i missed u guys so much! earlier this week my friend was sick and i have an empty slot in my school schedule so i went home and made tea and took it back to school for her - EVERYONE GO DO NICE THINGS FOR THE PPL U LOVE IT MAKES U FEEL ALL WARM AND FUZZY AND HAPPY INSIDE WHEN U SEE OTHER PPL SMILING BECAUSE OF SOMETHING U DID

y'all have continued to love and support this book and have somehow managed to get us to 332K (someone check and make sure that i saw the right number i'm sure the book can't possibly manage to get past like 3 reads let alone 332 thousand reads jesus i love u all so much can i give u all big hugs and a warm cup of cocoa)

lastly some good news for u guys school literally ends in just under 12 weeks for me so idk how many of u were there the previous summer but i had a phase where i was literally publishing a new chapter every single day and i'mma try and do that again when summer hits so everyone pray that i get good grades and that summer comes soon


"Jungkook, that's like snowball size. We're gonna make a whole snow fort. So we need bigger mounds of snow! We have to pack everything down like bricks."

"Oh, gotchu. Maybe we can use the box in the trunk of the car to pack down snow and then flip it over and it'll create like blocks that we can use for the foundation."

"Wow that's the first time I've seen you actually use your brain and come up with a good idea." Jae said, laughing.

"Yah! I use my brain a lot, trust me!" Jungkook feigned anger.

"Sure you do."

The two were up in the mountains, surrounded by snow. The other 6 boys would be joining Jungkook and Jae the next day and the two youngest had decided to surprise them with a snow fort. They slaved away for half the day, packing snow into the tub and pushing it out with a concept similar to building sandcastles. Although it was cold, the two had taken their jackets off, leaving them in their sweatshirts, pants, and boots. Eventually, they had the height of fort they wanted, leaving them to decide how to build a roof.

"Maybe we should chop off some branches of trees and place those over the top. If it was snow it'd just collapse in on itself." Jae suggested as they stared at their work.


"Unlike you." she stuck her tongue out.

"Yah!" Jungkook launched up from where he was sitting, tackling the girl to the ground. Jae screamed and Jungkook sat on top of her, moving his hands over her torso furiously as he tickled her.

"Jungkook stop! Stop!" came her screams between her laughs.

"Respect the elder!" he shouted jokingly.

"Ok, ok. You're smart too." she admitted. He let her go and she got up, running away. "But not smarter than me!" he heard her scream before he took off after her. He caught up quickly, intertwining their hands and slowing down to walk.

"Alright, let's look for those branches for the roof." They found a part of a tree that had already fallen and gathered the branches from it, slowly making their way back to where the fort was. They threw the branches down and started to map out how they would place the branches on top of the fort to create a sort of roof. The light started to dim just as they were placing finishing touches on the fort.

"There we go." Jae said leaving the entrance of the fort to stand in front of it and look over their handiwork. "The rest of the boys are gonna be jungshooketh."

Out of nowhere, a ball of snow hit Jae in the side. She whipped her head to see Jungkook with a huge mischievous grin on his face, gathering more snow for a second snowball.

"Oh no you don't!" she yelled before bending down to gather her own mound of snow. "This is war, Jeon Jungkook!"

The two started to madly fling snow at each other, ducking behind surrounding trees and rocks to dodge the others' hits.

"Ah gross it's in my ear!" Jungkook yelled after one of Jae's headshots.

"Good! It's just like you then! Gross!" she yelled back teasingly.


"You started this Jungkook!"

"Well I'm going to finish it as well!"

Both maknaes continued to throw snowballs at each other until Jae held her hands up, smiling and fell backwards into the snow.

"Ah, I'm tired. You win." she said and Jungkook smiled before walking to her and picking her up bridal style.

"Alright then princess, I guess it's time to go back to the cabin. Forward march!" he yelled as Jae giggled in his arms.

"I hope our fort lasts until tomorrow."

"I highly doubt it will collapse. Our teamwork made it really strong!" he said, looking down at her. She looked up, noticing that all her weight was in Jungkook's arms and that he was probably tired after all the work they had done that day.

"Jungkookie put me down."

"No, I must carry the princess the whole way. King's orders."

"Too bad for the king. Put me on your back instead then."

"Hm fine."

He set her down and kneeled, letting Jae get on his back instead.

"And now, we march!" he yelled again.

They walked in silence, the only sound coming from Jungkook's boots crunching on snow. Jae slowly fell asleep to the rhythm, her cheek resting on Jungkook's back and her arms loosely looped around his shoulders.

Jungkook felt her relax and turned his head slightly whispering, "Thanks for the fun snow day JaeJae."

He walked into the cabin and set her down on the bed in their shared room, climbing in and pulling her close to him. She automatically wrapped her arms around him and they fell asleep in each other's arms only to be woken up the next day by a rowdy group of six other boys.

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