A Quick Note (not part of actual book)

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Hey guys! I've obviously been AWOL for awhile now due to school and stuff. I just wanted to drop in and give everyone a quick update on what's been going on in my life.

I just ended my tennis season at school and my team went to a couple tournaments which was a great finish to our long, tiring, yet extremely fun season. I also went to Chicago, Illinois recently with a group of extremely close friends and I had the time of my life (seriously I wish I could go back). I also recently asked someone out (wowowow look at me being gutsy) and am proud to say I now have an amazing boyfriend (he said yes guys who's proud of me).

I would also like to thank you guys so much for continuing to support the book in my absence. Even though I haven't been writing you guys have been reading and commenting and continuing to vote for my book and that means so much to me. I'm actually just a little bit upset that you guys have been so active because I missed the 150K mark! That's how much you guys have been supporting me! Thank you so much and I really want to let you all know that I love you guys from the bottom of my heart and I sincerely apologize for disappearing for awhile.

Now, this doesn't mean that I'm going to be back to updating very often since I still have tons of work for school and my extracurricular activities but I will try to use my free time to write some stuff since I absolutely love writing.

Once again, thank you guys and I hope you're all doing well. I do not know when I will publish and I do not know when I will be back but I do know that I have some absolutely remarkable readers. I thank you for your immense patience and I hope everyone can hold out just a little longer until I have time to write a proper chapter for you!



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