Interview Questions

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Author's Note:

so i've been awol for quite a while now and i'd like to apologize. i've had so many things to do in terms of school and my extracurriculars and all that but i have good news! i'm genuinely back and i've got plenty of time to write now! so thank you to those of you that have been patient and supportive through my absence, i appreciate each and every one of you :)

some updates: it's 2020 woah omg a new decade holy schnitzel! i'm seeing bts in concert in april so leave ur concert experiences in the comments and i'll make sure to read every single one of them (get me even more hype than i already am pwease)! i will be updating BOTH this book and my other book (for those of you that don't know about this i used to have another book which i unpublished to make some changes but i'm ready to put it back up, it's called regal) so expect double! and lastly, i still love all of you and i hope you enjoy this chapter and the many more to come :)

btw this chap is just questions jae commonly gets asked and her responses (thought i'd come back with something a bit mellow while i think of ideas and get more chapters written) also each question is from different interviews, enjoy!


How does it feel to live with seven boys?

"Ok picture this. You're part of a family. Mom, dad, and seven brothers. That's what it's like. It's like living with these seven boys," Jae smiled at the simple answer.

Did you enjoy working with Halsey?

"Halsey was amazing! First off, it was so much fun having another girl on set and during recording. While I do love my members, the bonding experience with another girl was much needed. I was also so impressed that she learned the dance and even sang in Korean. It's not often that an American artist will respect the standards of Korean pop culture and the fact that she put in so much hard work to match what we do was heartwarming. The boys and I are used to having to conform to American standards or styles but she simply adapted to what we wanted to do with our music. Because of this, I respect her as an artist and individual so much more. Much love to her and I hope I get to see her more often!" Jae said, gushing over her experience with the American singer.

What inspires the lyrics you write?

Jae took a deep breath before answering this question. "Honestly my lyrics can be really spontaneous. When I'm trying to get certain feelings or emotions out, they come from deep within and I use music to express what I'm thinking about. However, they can also be super random. I might see something at a cafe or while I'm on a walk and I'll just think of something. And then of course, I could just be sitting there and staring at a wall and lyrics just come to me as my mind wanders."

Are we ever getting a full English album?

Jae's smile immediately fell and she dropped her previous peppy tone for this interview. "I'd just like to point out that we are actually Korean artists that produce Korean music. We were born and raised in Korea and we currently live in Korea as well. I'm sure you wouldn't ask an American artist when they're going to make a full album in another language so I really don't understand why you had to ask a Korean group about a possible English album."

What's your favorite movie?

"Oh god, I don't think I can pick one. I have one series in particular that I watch over and over again. It's actually an English series. Fast and Furious. There's just something about the series that I can't get over. There's so much bonding and a sense of family and it's also action packed with the cars and fights. The guys have literally caught me watching the series so many times and they like to tease me about how I watch it over and over again," Jae laughed, reminiscing the time Namjoon walked into her room to ask her a question and caught her watching 2 Fast 2 Furious for the 4th time that week. She had sheepishly put her bowl of popcorn aside and paused the movie as he facepalmed at the girl's antics.

How did you learn so many languages?

"I studied at an international school for two years when I was younger which is where I picked up Mandarin and Japanese. I learned Korean and English at home from my parents. And I actually learned Spanish and French on my own time just for the sake of it," Jae explained.

What does it mean to win Top Social Artist at the BBMA's?

"It just goes to show how far ARMY has brought us. I attribute the majority of our success to the fans. Without them, there is no Bangtan. They're always there for us and they're the ones that brought us to where we stand today. Without their support, we might've even disbanded awhile ago. Honestly, this award doesn't belong to us. It belongs to them," Jae said as she smiled fondly.

BTS is now part of the Grammy Recording Academy. How does this make you feel?

"It's amazing to think of how far we've come as a group. Just a few years ago we were trying to sell tickets to our concert on the streets and now look at us. I don't think any of us even dreamed about this when we were trainees. Hopefully, we'll be able to perform at the Grammys, maybe even win one next?" Jae laughed it off.

What do you have planned for this year?

"Well, we won't reveal too much but maybe another tour? A comeback? New concepts, new ideas, new music, new lyrics. And of course little things as well like new run episodes and maybe some travel vlogs," Jae smiled.

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