Soft Moments (Hyung Line - Part One)

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Author's Note:

ah we love being soft sometimes. BAMBAM ABRUPTLY CUTS IN: "I NEED TO BE HARD SOMETIMES". sry i had to do that please don't leave i swear i'm not just meme trash :)

anyhoo here's a quick chap with a soft moment with two members of the hyung line. i'll be back with part 2 of hyung line and maknae line soon!


1. Kim Seokjin and Lee Jae-Eun

It was a bright Saturday and the group had the day off. Each member was either out doing their own thing or taking the day to catch up on some much needed sleep. Jae and Jin could be found in the kitchen, flipping through recipes as they tried to pick one. They decided to bake that day and wanted to make a batch of cupcakes for everyone.

"How about we make red velvet? Everyone loves red velvet." Jin suggested.


"Yah! I didn't mean that red velvet! Aish, this girl." he mentally facepalmed.

"Can we just make chocolate? Please?" she asked.

"But that's so boring. Chocolate is too common."

"Hmmm, what about lemon?"

Jin's eyes widened. "That sounds so good! Yes! Let's do a lemon cake!" he exclaimed.

"Finally! I thought we would never get around to picking, let alone baking this thing."

"Geez no need to be so grouchy. Can you start getting ingredients out of the pantry while I grab the mixer and whatnot?"

The two separated as they gathered the required supplies for the cake. They got back together and started to mix ingredients.

"Ok, three cups of flour."

Jae filled the first cup and turned around, accidentally knocking the cup against Jin's arm. Some of the flour spilled out of the cup and onto his pristine black long sleeve shirt.

"Yah! You had one job Jae! Now my black shirt is half white!" he yelled.

Instead of apologizing, Jae stuck her tongue out and grabbed a bit more flour, throwing it at Jin's face this time.

"Ok, young lady, you're really getting it now!" he yelled again before grabbing the cup of flour and throwing the whole thing at Jae.

"Oppa!" she screamed. "No!" The two started to wage a war as they grabbed ingredients, throwing them around the kitchen as they aimed for each other. There were battle cries shaking the apartment's walls as they ran around the massive island, ducking, dodging, yelling, and throwing things.

Jae reached into the bag of flour she had but only felt the paper of the bottom of the bag. Her eyes widened and she looked into the bag, finding nothing but emptiness. Jin was in the same predicament as his box of eggs was totally spent, not a single egg left from the original 12. The two stared at each other before bursting into laughter.

"Come here you crazy girl. You have eggshell in your hair." Jin motioned for Jae to come closer and she did. He opened up his arms and she quickly walked into his embrace as his arms came up to hold her by the waist. He removed one arm to start removing bits of eggshell from her raven black hair, chuckling as he did so. He finally finished and moved his arm back to its original position around her waist.

The oldest and youngest member stared at each other for a few minutes, faint smiles on their faces as they recapped what had just happened. Jin suddenly bent down, pressing a long kiss to Jae's forehead.

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