Chapter 4- I need you to bail me out of Jail

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Harper is sitting in the back of the police car with her hands cuffed behind her back.
"I really don think the hand cuffing is necessary" Monica says
"You had a gun in your car ma'am" The police officer says
"I've already told you! I'm a detective!" Monica says
They arrive at the police station and they walk in. It's just Monica's luck to see Voight talking to another Sargent.
"Monica!" Voight says as he turns round
"Will you please tell this man that I'm a detective!" Monica says
"I caught her going through a red light and then saw a gun in her car" the police man says
"I've already told you! I'm a detective, I need that gun! I have a permit for that gun!" Monica says
"Let her go, she works for me" Voight says and the police man takes off her cuffs
"Thank you!" Monica says annoyed
"How did you get yourself arrested?" Voight says
"I apparently ran a red light but I'm positive I didn't, then he pulled me over saw my gun, I showed him my badge and he said it wasn't real and here we are!" Monica says
"Okay, I'll see you at the district tomorrow" Voight says
"See you then" Monica says
Monica then calls Antonio
"Hey sis!" Antonio says
"Hey umm I need you to drive me to my car?" Monica says cautiously
"Why?" Antonio says confused
"I've kinda been arrested" Monica says
"What! Why?" Antonio asks
"Long story but can you pick me up" Monica asks
"I'll be right there!" Antonio says ending the call
10 mins later Antonio turns up and Monica hops in his car
"What did you do" Antonio says not taking his eyes off the road
"I apparently ran a red light which I didn't. He came over and saw my gun and I explained that I'm a detective. He asked me to step out the car which I did and then I showed him my badge. He said that it wasn't real and took me here. It was just my luck that Voight was there!" Monica says with her head in her hands
"Wow! Pretty rough first day" Antonio says
"Tell me about it!" Monica sighs
Antonio then drops her off and she gets in her car. She drives home and jumps onto her bed. She later falls asleep. The next morning she wakes up and heads to the district.
"Morning" Jay says as he walks in
"Morning" Monica says taking a sip of coffee
"Okay I have some names of the people who I think are targeting 51, we have a Miles Kingsley, Jack Steed, Mateo Garcia, Samuel De Leon and David Knightly" Monica says to Antonio
"Do you have an address?" Antonio asks
"Because there local drug house burned down. They have moved to a new one which happens to be an old abandoned wear house. 67th south street" Monica says
"Great! We can check it out" Antonio says enthusiastically
"I also found out that this happened about 2 years ago to another firehouse. 2 Luitenents and one paramedic were stabbed but they managed to lie their way out of it" Monica says
"What team took on the case?"Antonio says
"Some detectives in the 67th district" Monica says
"Have we got any names" Antonio asks
"Only one Detective Matt Lopez" Monica says
"I'll get in touch see what I can find out" Antonio says
After a while Antonio appears at Monica's desk
"I found that detective, turns out he was fired after that case for not doing it right and letting murderers away with a crime. He agreed to meet us" Antonio says
"Let's go then!" Monica says grabbing her coat

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