Chapter 22- Meeting the Parents

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Monica is sitting at her desk when she gets a phone call
"Hey mum!" Monica says
"Hello! How are you?" Rosa asks
"I'm doing really good! How are you?" Monica says enthusiastically
"I'm great! Because I'm coming to see you tomorrow!" Rosa says smiling
"Your what!" Monica says looking over at Adam
"Antonio called me and told me you had some exciting news to share!" Rosa says
"Well that's great! See you soon!" Monica says ending the call and Adam looks over
"Antonio Dawson!" Monica says throwing her coffee cup at Antonio
"Hey!" Antonio says
"What part of I don't want my mother to know I'm engaged do you not get!" Monica says angrily
"I need to get to know my step mum and I can't lie to her!" Antonio says
"Yes you can! I've been doing it my whole life and she's my biological mum!" Monica says
"I also invited her and dad over for dinner tomorrow night" Antonio says quietly
"You did what! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now!" Monica says
"Because I'm a cop and the charges would be worse" Antonio says
"I'm also a cop so I know how to get away with it!" Monica says laughing
"Why are we murdering Antonio?" Adam asks
"Your meeting my parents tomorrow night....Surprise!" Monica says enthusiastically
"Great!" Adam says
"Your not bothered? Monica says shocked
"Why would I be" Adam says confused
"Never mind!" Monica says walking out
It's the next night and Monica is getting ready for dinner and walks out
"How do I look!" Monica says
"Wonderful!" Adam says giving her a kiss
"Okay if you want to leave just tell me and I'll make up an excuse" Monica says
"I think I'll be okay" Adam says
Monica and Adam drive to Antonios house and knock on the door. Antonio answers
"Hey sis!" Antonio says giving Monica a hug. Monica walks in holding adams hand. Rosa and Ramon are sitting next to each other, gabby and Matt are next to each other and Antonio is sitting next to 2 empty seats for Monica and Adam.
"Monica!" Ramon says giving Monica a hug
"Hey dad!" Monica says
"Hello!" Rosa says
"Hey mum!" Monica says smiling
Monica and Adam sit down
"So what was this big news?" Rosa says enthusiastically
"Yeah Antonio was telling us you had something important to tell us!" Ramon says smiling
"Well umm me and Adam are getting married!" Monica says as Rosa and Ramons face drops
"What!" Rosa says
"He's not latino?" Ramon says
"Neither is Matt?" Monica says looking at Matt
"But Matt is respectable! He's a captain!" Rosa says
"Adam is a detective!" Monica says as Adam sits there quietly
"So are you!" Rosa says
"I will not condone this marriage!" Ramon says angrily
"That's fine! I don't need your permission!" Monica shouts
"Then who's permission do you need!" Ramon shouts
"I've already got Antonio's!" Monica shouts angrily
"Well i won't turn up to your wedding!" Ramon says
"That's fine! Antonio can walk me down the aisle!" Monica says grabbing her jacket
"We're going!" Monica says
"It was nice to meet you" Adam says getting up
"Sis wait!" Antonio says getting up
"This was exactly why I didn't want them to know! Screw you Antonio!" Monica says slamming the door
The car ride back home was silent and then Monica gets home and falls asleep as it's a big day tomorrow as she is picking out a venue!

 "Monica!" Ramon says giving Monica a hug "Hey dad!" Monica says "Hello!" Rosa says "Hey mum!" Monica says smiling Monica and Adam sit down "So what was this big news?" Rosa says enthusiastically "Yeah Antonio was telling us you had something impo...

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