Chapter 48- Help!

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Monica is still being held by the hair. It's been about 5 minutes. Lucas has murdered one person already.
"Where are they?" Monica thinks
Lucas finally lets Monica go and pushes her into a room and closes the door
"Where the hell are you?" Monica whispers through the radio
"We're waiting for the perfect time!" The FBI agent says
"Oh little Monica! Did you think that I didn't know?"Lucas says with a smirk
"Monica? Who's she?" Monica says as she begins to shake
"You know damm well who she is!" Lucas shouts
Lucas is walking toward Monica with a knife and is aiming for her stomach. Monica kicks him causing him to fall down. Then she punches him causing his nose to bleed. He is lying on the ground and Monica has her foot on his back. She is holding her gun up to him
"Not so smart now huh?" Monica says as the FBI burst through the door
The take Lucas and turn to Monica
"Perfect time? What after I done all the hard work?" Monica says as she scoffs
"Monica!" Jay shouts as he runs in
"Are you okay? are your hurt? Is the baby okay?" Jay says putting his hand on her bump
"I'm fine and he's fine!" Monica says putting her hand on jays hand
"Thank god!" Jay says letting out a sigh of relief
It's a few weeks later and Monica is 32 weeks. She is sitting in the kitchen when she can hear banging coming from the baby's new room. She opens the door to discover Jay trying to build the crib
"Why the hell won't you go in there?" Jay says forcing one piece onto another
"Everything okay in here?" Monica says whilst laughing
"Why did we buy the hardest crib to build?" Jay shouts
"You could look at the instructions?" Monica says holding them up to him
"That's cheating!" Jay says taking the paper and throwing it away
"Okay I'll leave you too it!" Monica says walking out
She texts the guys and they come over
"He's upstairs! Good luck!" Monica says laughing
The guys go up and 5 hours later come back down
"So?" Monica says
"That crib is rocket science!" Kevin says
"The instructions were in Spanish!!" Adam says
"You could have asked me for help!" Monica says pouring them drinks
"We can't ask you! Your pregnant!" Voight says taking a drink
"Well I'm glad it's done!" Monica says as the guys look at her
"Oh my god! You all actually didn't finish it! This is hilarious!" Monica says whilst laughing
"No need to be a bully!" Jay says

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