Chapter 37- On a ventilator

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After 10 minutes of CPR Dr.Choi manages to get a pulse but it's very weak. Their worried that Monica isn't getting enough oxygen to her brain so they decide to put her on a ventilator. The whole intelligence unit has been in and out to see her as Monica can hear them. Jay has been struggling since Monica was put on the ventilator and hasn't been showing up to work. He's not even been going to see Monica as he can't bare seeing her like that. He hasn't left their apartment in 3 days so Voight decides to pay him a visit.
"It's like Satan's house in here!" Voight says as he laughs
"Yeah well" Jay says
"Have you eaten anything?" Voight asks
"Not hungry" Jay says sitting back down
"But you've drank clearly" Voight says looking at the empty beer bottles on the floor
"So?" Jay says coldly
"Monica wouldn't want you to be like this! You haven't seen her in days Jay! She needs her husband there!" Voight says
"Yeah well she's practically dead" Jay says
"You can't say that" Voight says angrily
"When it comes to it I'm taking her off life support" Jay says
"Your not fit to make that decision so that's why Antonio and Gabby are gonna make it for you! And Monica will wake up" Voight says
"I thought it was gonna be me and her for the rest of our life's. We were gonna have kids and become grandparents" Jay says with tears welling up in his eyes
"You can still do that! She is a fighter and she is gonna wake up! But in order for her to do that you need to go see her and come to work! She would hate to see you like this!" Voight shouts
"With all due respect Sarg! I don't need you to tell me what to do!" Jay says
"Well we're all gonna be there this afternoon so it's up to you if you wanna show up!" Voight says walking out the door
It's that afternoon and Jay shows up to the hospital. He sits next to Monica and holds her hand. He tries not to cry but it doesn't work and the tears steam down his face.
"Tomorrow we make the decision" Gabby says
"Yeah weather to keep her on life support or not" Antonio says
"Yeah well you guys can make that decision" Jay says before walking out
It's the next day and Antonio and Gabby have made the decision....

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