Chapter 39- Decisions...Decisions!

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"Sit down and make up! Your not leaving until you do!" Monica says making herself comfy
"Look I'm sorry for coming at you like that Gabby" Jay says
"It's fine I shouldn't have responded like that" Gabby says
"That wasn't so hard was it!" Monica says enthusiastically
It's a few hours later and everyone has gone home so Monica has decided to go for a walk around the hospital. She ends up in the children's ward. She sees this little girl lying awake. The little girl smiles and waves as she sees Monica. Monica walks over
"Hello!" Monica says enthusiastically
"Hello miss! Can you read me a story?" The little girl says
"Sure honey! What story?" Monica asks as she sits down
"Can you make one up!" The girl says
"Sure! I'm Monica! What's your name?" Monica asks
"Anna!" Anna says enthusiastically
"Okay! Once upon a time there lived a princess called Anna! She was the princess of a very special land called candy land where you could eat the grass and drink the water!" Monica says smiling
"She has the same name as me!" Anna says
Monica then continues to tell the story until both her and Anna fall asleep. Maggie walks in some time later and wakes Monica up
"Oh sorry! She asked me to read her a story" Monica whispers getting up
"She loves story's! She's in the foster care system and doesn't have a family" Maggie says looking at Anna
Monica gets an idea in her head as she walks back down to her room. She can see Jay waiting for her
"Morning!" Monica says as she gets back into bed
"You have an idea?" Jay asks suspicious
"I do! I met this little girl called Anna last night! And she's 6! She's the sweetest little girl ever and she's in foster care! I thought we could foster her!" Monica says enthusiastically
"Why would we do that? When we can have our own?" Jay says
"We can still have our own! She just needs a home for a few months and somewhere to stay!" Monica says smiling
"I've gotta go do something" Jay says rushing out of the room
"Jay?" Monica says confused
The firehouse come to visit Monica including Harper and Kelly.
"Hey Harper?" Monica asks
"Yeah?" Harper says
"How many kids have you got?" Monica says
"Oh we have Aria who's 5, Devin who's 2 and twins Maria and Hunter who are a week old! Why?" Harper replies
"I was thinking about fostering a little girl but Jay isn't too keen. He said what's the point on fostering if we can have our own?" Monica says
"I think you should having kids just makes life so much better!" Kelly says
"I would say go with your gut! If you think it's right then go for it!" Harper says giving her a small smile
"I'll think about it!" Monica says
Will Monica foster Anna? Keep reading to find out!

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