Chapter 45- Court

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A few weeks later and the court date has come through. It's for tomorrow Monica is getting ready as she has already told Anna what's going on. Her and Jay aren't really talking since the fight but are trying to put it aside for one day. Monica is really nervous when she goes to bed. She wakes up in the morning and gets herself ready and so does Jay. They head down to the court room.
"Will I ever see you again mum?" Anna asks
"Hopefully honey!" Monica says looking at Jay
"Yeah kiddo!" Jay says
Monica then puts her hands on her bump which has gotten bigger as she is now 20 weeks. They walk in and someone takes Anna away
"Don't worry honey!" Monica shouts
"You ready?" Jay says putting out his arm
"Born ready!" Monica says clinging onto his arm as they walk in
They all take their seats and the court starts.
"Welcome to the custody of Anna Rush. We have the birth mother Vanessa Rush and the couple who have been fostering Anna. Detective Monica Halstead and Detective Jay Halstead. Miss Rush is being represented by Lawyer Laura Brown and Mr and Mrs Halstead are being represented by Lawyer David Kingsley" they judge says
Vanessas lawyer is first to call her witnesses. First she calls up Vanessa and asks her some questions
"We understand that in the past you have done some things that you regret" Laura says
"I have yes and that's what made me give up Anna as I thought I couldn't take care of her" Vanessa says looking away
"No further questions your honour" Laura says as David gets up
"And I understand your not working just now is that correct?" David asks
"That's correct yes" Vanessa replies
"So how are you going to provide for Anna when you have no income sitting there?" David asks
"Well umm I was planning on getting a job" Vanessa replies in a panic
"Planning? So you haven't even applied for some yet?" David says looking at her
"Well no" Vanessa answers
"Well your honour as you can tell both of my clients are detectives and are bringing in money to care for Anna with. They have a stable house which Anna already has a room set up in and they have enlisted her in a great school" David says as he sits down
The next person on the stand is Monica
"I understand you met Monica whilst you were in the hospital is that correct?" Laura asks
"That's correct yes!" Monica replies
"So we're you on any medications that made you not think straight?" Laura says looking at Monica
"I wasn't no" Monica replies
"So if you were both injured? Then what would happen to Anna?" Laura asks
"Well that would never happen but if it did we have loads of family members that would happily take care of Anna for us!" Monica replies
"No further questions your honour" Laura says as she sits down
The trial goes on for the rest of the day. They have asked Monica and Jay loads of questions about Anna and if they would be right to adopt her. The judge has finally made her decision...

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