Chapter 34- Was it Monica?

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"It's not her!" Jay says letting out a sigh of relief
The man then covers back up the body and they walk out. They head back to the district and tell them.
"Thank god!" Kevin says
"But that means she could be anywhere" Antonio says
"Dead or Alive" Adam says sadly
*Monicas POV*
After being unconscious for a while Monica wakes up in the back of a van. The van has wholes through it so she decides to look out of one. From what she can see it looks like an abandoned warehouse. She then hears people coming towards the van. They open the doors and reveal 2 middle aged men wearing all black. Monica can already tell which one is running the operation and who is just there so that the other one doesn't go down alone. They drag her out of the van and into the warehouse. They take her in and tie her up to a chair then take there masks off revealing their faces. Monica doesn't recognise them.
"What do you want!" Monica says weakly
"That's no way to talk to us! I'm really proud you don't remember us! We must have grown up well then!" The guy says
"13years ago! New York!" The guy says
"Your the guys that held my mum hostage! And now your coming for me? Why because I'm a cop or something my mum did?" Monica says slyly
"She owes us money" The smart guy says
"Lots of it! We're gonna be rich!" The ditsy one says
"How rude of us! We didn't introduce ourselves! I'm Mark and this is Jake!" The ditsy one says enthusiastically
"And your Monica Dawson! Daughter of Ramon and Rosa Dawson!" Jake says
"Detective Monica Dawson!" Monica says smartly
"Yeah I don't really care!" Jake says punching Monica
"No need to get violent! What does my mum owning money have to do with me!" Monica asks
"Well it's simple really! Your mum pays the money or her precious only daughter dies!" Jake shouts
"Yeah! And that's bad!" Mark says
"Just shut up Mark!" Jake shouts
"Just shut up Mark!" Mark says mimicking Jake
"This is going to be fun!" Monica whispers to herself
*District's POV*
"I've got a lead!" Adam shouts
"What is it!" Antonio says running over
"I've tracked Monica's cell and it's lead to this address" Adam says as he shows them the address
"That's an old warehouse!" Jay says
"Chances are they could have taken her there!" Antonio says
"Let's go! Suit up!" Voight says running out to the car

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