Chapter 33- Missing

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*Monicas POV*
It's a week after the wedding and Monica is walking home from mollys. She has her badge and her gun on her hip. It's only about 7 and she is walking down a street. She feels like someone is following her but chooses to ignore it. She takes a left turn to try and get the man to stop following her but he keeps following her. She decides to call Jay but he doesn't answer neither does Antonio or Gabby. She leaves a voicemail for Jay
"Hey! Umm this might be totally nothing but I think there's a man...Ahhh!" Monica says as the man whacks her in the head and she falls to the ground
The voicemail goes through to Jay. The man loads Monica up into the back of a van and drives away.
*Jays POV*
Jay got home later that night and discovers that Monica isn't home. He just thought that she stayed late at mollys so he decides to go to his bed. He wakes up to find that Monica still isn't home and he starts to worry
"Don't worry Jay! She's probably at the district!" Jay says letting out a breath that he was holding
Jay then arrives at the district to find Monica's desk empty.
"Where's Monica?" Jay asks
"She's not in yet" Kevin replies
"She didn't come home last night, is my phone here?" Jay asks
"Yeah you must of left it here last night!" Kevin says passing jays phone to him
Jay opens his phone and sees the voicemail. He plays it on speaker and the whole unit hears Monica scream
"Monica!" Jay says
"We've got to do something about this!" Kevin says
"On it! Jay and Antonio roll to the address on the phone see if you can find anything!" Voight says
"Got it!" They both say running out
They arrive on scene and discover Monica's gun lying on the ground with a bullet out of it.
"She must have used it on the man!" Jay says picking up the gun
Not too far away from the gun is Monica's badge and it's got strokes of blood over it. They take it to the lab and find out that it matches with Monica's blood.
"What if he shot her!" Jay says starting to panic
"We didn't hear a gunshot on the call, so he must of hit her with something" Voight says calming Jay down
"I can't loose her sarg! What if they shot her! She could be bleeding out right now! Or she could be calling my name! We need to do something!" Jay shouts angrily
"Hey! Look at me! We're gonna find her and lock this man up for life! We're not gonna stop until she's back and safe!" Voight says
"Hey Sarg! You've got a call!" Adam shouts
"Okay! Hello!" Voight says putting the phone on speaker
"Hello! This is the morgue calling! We believe we have someone your looking for" the man says as jays face drops
"Describe her to me?" Voight says
"Latina, Dark brown hair, Dark brown eyes, about 5 foot 5" The guy says
"We will be right down" Voight says
"Are you thinking what I am?" Voight says
"That sounds like Monica!" Kevin says
"No! Don't you dare say that!" Jay says
They drive down to the morgue and the guy takes them in.
"Are we ready?" The guy says
"Yes" Voight says bracing him self as the man pulls the cover
"Oh my god!" Jay says with tears rolling down his eyes

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