Chapter 52- Monicas Diary

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Wow! What a great 5 years! I came to Chicago 5 years ago after losing my partner in New York. I thought that it would just be another placement at another district but oh boy was I wrong! I walked into the district for the first time and felt a wave of emotions come over me. I didn't know weather to feel scared or excited! But they made me feel so welcome and everything went great! Well that was until I met Antonio and Gabby! Yep you probably know by now that there my long lost brother and sister! Which was a shock to the system! We ended up getting on really well! Or that was until we got into that car accident, I had never felt so horrible in my life and that feeling wasn't all down to the injuries. Antonio was rushed into surgery which left me alone with my thoughts for a while. Adam never left my side but when he did things took a turn for the worse. I went to go see Antonio and I'll never forget that feeling of seeing him lying unconscious on a hospital bed. Laura and Gabby weren't too happy with me but Gabby kept quiet about it, Laura most certainly did not. It all blew over eventually though and everything went back to normal. I was in a job that I loved and where I actually felt wanted. Things with me and Adam were going great until we had that big argument about where we should have the wedding. We blew off the engagement which was for the best. When I look back I actually have to thank Adam for doing that or I would have never met Jay! He's the light in my life! And has never let me down. After months of dating he finally proposed and it was the most magical night of my life. We got married on a beautiful beach surrounded by all of our friends and family. I was at my highest after that and I felt on top of the world! Well until I got kidnapped which you probably already know the details about that. It ended in the worst way possible with me getting stabbed, I went under 3 times! For 3 different surgeries! I guess I can relate to that whole what doesn't kill you makes you stronger thing. But I met Anna during that time and she is now my little girl! Yes we had to fight for her but it was all worth it! My life was going great but it was even better when I found out I was pregnant with Luca! I cried that whole night with happiness! A long 9 months later he arrived and the last piece of my puzzle was put into place! These past 5 years have been an emotional rollercoaster but they have also been the best years of my life! But for now we're saying goodbye as we close this chapter of my life!

The End!

*Authors Note*
Ahhh I hope you enjoyed reading The 3rd Dawson! I want to say a big thank you to everyone who took their time to read this! I'm going to be starting a new book soon so if you have any suggestions feel free to comment them! Or while you wait for a new book you can take a look at New Blood, One Family 1 and 2 or Love at first sight! Thanks Lauren!

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