Chapter 25- Going undercover

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The next morning Monica makes her way to the firehouse and gets suited up in firefighter gear.
"How do you guys breath in this stuff!" Monica says
"You get used to it" Kelly says smiling
"Are you guys clear on everything about this morning?" Monica asks
"Yep" they both say
"Great! The unit will be outside if anything goes wrong, which it won't obviously" Monica says as she lets out a nervous laugh
They then drive to the location in truck 81. They then knock on the door
"Huh?" The guy says as he answers the door
"Hello there sir! We're Luitenents from the CFD and we're here to do a routine house inspection!" Casey says enthusiastically
"There ain't been no fire here" the guy says clearly annoyed
"Yes but unfortunately we have to!" Kelly says
"Yep! If we don't then we can't class this as a safe house and you'll be forced to move out!" Monica says
"Fine!" The man says pushing open the door
"Okay let's all split up!" Casey says
"Just don't go in the back room!" They guy says as Casey and Kelly look at Monica
"Copy that sir!" Monica says smiling
They split up and look around and Monica can hear Adam slip in the back room.
"Well well well! Looks like we have a problem in here!" Kelly shouts as the man runs over
"What?" The man says
"It looks like your electrical wires aren't fitted correctly?" Casey says
"Oh no! That's a pretty bad hazard" Monica says
"Sir we just need to ask you a few questions about it" Casey says
"Okay so who fitted these wires?" Kelly asks
"A guy! I don't know! They came with the house!" The man says as he hears a noise
"Oh sorry! Clumsy me!" Monica says
"Welp everything looks good here!" Monica says
"Shall we?" Casey says
"Thank you for your time sir! This is officially a safe house!" Monica says walking out
They drive back to the firehouse
"Thanks guys! That was great!" Monica says taking her gear off
"So are you gonna catch this guy?" Kelly asks
"We've got all the evidence to lock him up but we just need a confession which I'm on my way to get out of him now!" Monica says smiling
"Wait so you have already arrested him?" Casey asks
"Yep! We sent down some officers and they arrested him and he is now in custody!" Monica says
"That was quick" Kelly says shocked
"That's just how we work! Anyway I'll see you both!" Monica says getting in her car
She then drives down to the district and walks into the confession room.
"Ahh bomb threats! What a classic!" Monica says laughing to herself
"You watch your mouth!" The man shouts
"Except no one usually has the guts to go through with it but you did didn't you?" Monica says looking at him dead in the eye
"You have no proof!" The man says angrily
"What about these?" Monica says putting the pictures of the bombs on the table
"These have already been sent to the court! Your going down either way hun! So just do me a favour and us both a court date" Monica says picking the pictures back up
But the man says nothing
"Okay you want it the hard way! I'll book the date!" Monica says as she walks out
"No wait! Fine I did it!" The man shouts
"And he confesses!" Monica says to herself smiling

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