Chapter 36- Is this goodbye for Monica?

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As they push Monica into med whilst doing CPR they are greeted by Maggie.
"What have we got?" Maggie asks
"26 year old female was stabbed in the shoulder which possibly hit an artery. She has lost a lot of blood and coded on the way to the hospital. We've been doing CPR for about 5 minutes now" The paramedic says
"Treatment room 5! Dr.Marcel and Dr.Choi take her!" Maggie shouts
They wheel Monica into the room and transfer her onto the bed. Dr.Choi checks her over whilst Dr.Marcel checks her stab wound. A nurse is doing CPR on Monica
"We need to get her to surgery! A bit of the knife broke off in her shoulder!" Dr.Marcel says
"We need to stabilise her first!" Dr.Choi says as they stop doing CPR
"Come on Monica" Dr.Marcel whispers trying to find a pulse
"We've got a pulse!" Dr.Marcel says as they wheel her off to surgery
The firehouse and the intelligence unit gather in the waiting room just like last time.
"If you hadn't of tried to shoot the man then Monica would be here right now!" Adam shouts
"I'm sorry since when did you care about her? You broke off the engagement!" Jay shouts
"That's different! I still care about her!" Adam says getting very close to Jay
"If you cared about her you wouldn't have broke her heart!" Jay says clenching his fists
"That's enough!" Voight shouts angrily
They both walk away and cool down.
2 hours later Dr.Marcel walks out
"The surgery was successful, she is hopefully going to make a full recovery" Dr.Marcel says
"Thank god! Can we see her?" Jay asks
"Only close family and your her husband so yes go ahead" Dr.Marcel says as Jay runs in
He walks into her room and takes her hand in his.
"Don't do that again okay?" Jay says
"It was n-nothing" Monica says weakly
"I'm sorry but you coded in the ambo!" Jay says
"Please victims code in the ambo all the time" Monica says weakly
"Not my wife"Jay says kissing her hand
"Oh well" Monica says falling back asleep
Jay walks out of the room and tells the others how she is. Antonio and Gabby walk in and see her for a while until they all go home. Jay hasn't left her side all night but Monica has been drifting in and out of consciousness. Jay finally falls asleep on the chair but is woken by Monica screaming out in pain.
"Monica! What's wrong honey?" Jay asks rushing her her side
"It's h-h-hard to b-breath" Monica says gasping for air
"I need a doctor in here!" Jay shouts
"Hey it's gonna be okay stay with me!" Jay says
"J-Jay?" Monica says before she stops talking
"Monica?!" Jay shouts
"What happened?" Dr.Choi says rushing in the room
"She said she couldn't breath!" Jay says as the monitor beeps
"She's coding! Start compressions!" Dr.Choi says as he starts compressions
"Stay with me Monica!" Jay whispers

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