Chapter 29- Letting go

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"Okay I see what you mean...All men are crap!" Jay says sitting next to Monica
"Or maybe it's just me" Monica says looking down
"Okay we've got a case! Possible Hostage taker" Voight says putting pictures up on the wall
"Wait! Jay isn't that they guy from this morning?" Monica asks looking at one of the pictures
"Yeah it is?" Jay says
"What guy?" Voight asks
"We were driving to work and saw a fight break out so we went over to stop it and that guy was there" Jay says
"One of the men only spoke Spanish whilst the other one was accusing him of hitting his daughter and parting until 3am" Monica says
"Okay, Jay and Monica go check it out" Voight says as Jay and Monica walk out to the car
"You know Spanish right?" Jay asks
"My mum always made sure that I learned it" Monica says laughing
They get to the house and knock on the door and the man answers
" hola señor Soy monica Dawson de la unidad de inteligencia y este es mi socio Jay Halstead" Monica says
" Que quieren los policias" the man says
"nos encantaría echar un vistazo a tu casa si te parece bien" Monica says
"I'm not gonna lie I'm really confused right now" Jay whispers to Monica
"Don't worry I'll fill you in" Monica whispers back
"bien, pero hazlo rápido. Tengo lugares para estar" The man says opening the door
"So is that a yes or no?" Jay asks
"A yes" Monica says walking in
They take a look around but can't see anything until Monica sees a shed in the garden.
" que es eso señor?" Monica asks
"No es nada. ahora por favor vete antes de que te haga!" The man says
" copia eso señor! gracias por trabajar con nosotros!" Monica says walking out
"So fill me in!" Jay says
"So I introduced us and asked if we could looks round he said yes then I spotted the little shed in the garden and asked him what it was but he brushed it off and said he was busy" Monica says getting in the car
"Better let Voight know!" Jay says driving away
They get back to the district and let Voight know. They work on the case for the rest of the day but get no where. Monica is planning to stay late
"You coming to mollys!" Jay says pulling her up
"No im not!" Monica says trying to fight him
"Come on! For me?" Jay says with puppy dog eyes
"Fine! But only so I can see Gabby!" Monica says
They make their way to mollys and grab their drinks
"Anything exciting happen today?" Gabby asks
"Nope! We've been working on a case all day but we're getting no where!" Monica says
"Sounds fun!" Gabby says laughing
They laugh and talk for the rest of the night until Jay offers to take Monica home. He walks her up to her door
"Goodnight Jay!" Monica says
"Goodnight!" Jay says as he kisses Monica
"Jay! What was that!" Monica says
"It was a kiss!" Jay says laughing
"No I can't do this! Not right now!" Monica says running into her apartment and shutting the door leaving Jay shocked
Has Monica blown her chance at another relationship? Keep reading to find out!

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