Chapter 47- Pregnancy with Monica

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It's a few weeks after the gender reveal and Monica is 29 weeks pregnant. Her and Jay have been talking more and have managed to over come their little argument. She has taken Anna to school and is making her way to work. She arrives in and there's people all over the place.
"What's going on?" Monica asks
"Serial killer! The FBI are doing an investigation and need our help" Jay says
They all sit down and the FBI explain everything
"We've got a man aged 40. Named Lucas Kingsley. Owns a nightclub. Taking people in, drugging them and then killing them. We've had reports of 10 victims so far but there could be more" An FBI agent says
"So we need to get eyes in there! And we've heard your unit is the best for that! We've also had recommendations for a Monica Dawson" Another FBI agent says
"I could do it!" Monica says
"But your 29 weeks pregnant?" Kevin says
"I'll wear a baggy dress so you can't see the bump. We get one of our men behind they bar and they slip me a few mock tails done!" Monica says
"Great! It's settled! I'll see you tonight!" The FBI agent says
It's later that night and Monica has picked out the most baggiest dress she owns. She gets ready and heads to the nightclub. Adam is working the bar and she walks over to him.
"A fruity cocktail please!" Monica says getting her purse out
"Coming right up miss!" Adam says as he makes her drink
"I'll get that for you!" Lucas says standing next to Monica
"Put it on my tab" Lucas says to Adam
" I don't think we've met! Lucas Kingsley at your service!" Lucas says with a smile
"Oh I'm Natalia Rodrigues!" Monica says
"Ahh Latina! Can you speak Spanish?" Lucas asks
"Of course!" Monica says smiling
"Go on then" Lucas says
"Gracias por la bebida señor" Monica says
"And that means?" Lucas says
"Thank you for the drink sir!" Monica says as she goes to walk away
"Come sit with me!" Lucas says grabbing her hand
He takes her to the vip room full of people. They dance and drink for a while until Monica slips out to use the bathroom. She radios over to fill the FBI in
"Nothing unusual. He's having an "After party" so that might be where he takes his victims. It's only me and a couple of people who are involved" Monica says
"Got it! We've got an address so we will be there waiting!" The FBI agent says
Monica heads back out and grabs another drink off of Adam. He slips a note with the drink saying be careful
"I will" Monica whispers as she crumbles up the paper and puts it in a bin
Monica follows Lucas and a few other people into his car. When they arrive at the house Monica can spot one of the undercover cars. They all go in and the smell is horrible as they walk in the house. Lucas locks the door and grabs Monica by the hair and holds up a knife
"Say anything and your all dead!" Lucas says

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