Chapter 38- Turning off the Ventilator

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Gabby and Antonio have made the decision to turn off the ventilator which Jay isn't very happy about. There is still a chance that Monica could still breath on her own. Dr.Choi comes in to turn it off whilst Monica is surrounded by the whole district. Jay gets there just in time and grabs her hand
"You don't go! I need you here! You can't leave yet! remember all the happy memories! We can make more just breath Monica!" Jay says
Dr.Choi then turns off the ventilator and Monica doesn't breath
"No come on!" Jay says
They all go to walk out until Monica starts breathing again on her own.
"Monica!" Jay says letting out a sigh of relief
Dr.Choi checks her over and says she is doing good however they do believe that she has some brain damage and it will be a long road of recovery. Gabby and Antonio then come to her side but Jay stops them
"You have no right to be here! You were going to let her die! Your sister!" Jay shouts
"I'm sorry who was the one who didn't show up to the hospital for days! You weren't even gonna come say goodbye!" Gabby shouts back
"I bet you were already planning out her funeral! She came to Chicago and ruined your perfect little relationship with your dad and you want her gone for that!" Jay shouts
"Leave it gabby" Antonio says taking her out of the room
"I think you need to cool down buddy" Kevin says before Jay shoved him off
"I'm going by myself!" Jay says walking out angrily
He comes back later that night when everyone is gone. He can see Monica lying awake but staring into space. He sits down on the chair
"Hey" Monica says weakly
"I'm sorry Monica! I should have never let this happen to you!" Jay says taking her hand in his
"It's okay. I heard about you the last few days. The apartment better be clean" Monica says trying to laugh but it hurts too much
"It is! I got my act together the last few days and it's just how you left it" Jay says smiling
"Thats good" Monica says as she drifts back off to sleep
Jay then pulls the blanket over her and kisses her forehead before falling asleep in the chair next to her. She wakes up before him and snaps a picture of him sleeping and giggles to herself. An hour later Jay wakes up. Monica is still laughing at the picture
"What are you laughing at?" Jay says rubbing his neck
"Oh just a picture of you when you were sleeping!" Monica says enthusiastically
"Let me see!" Jay says as Monica shows him the picture
"Oh god! Delete that now!" Jay says
"Too late already posted on Instagram!" Monica says as she laughs
"Very funny! My boss could see that!" Jay says smiling
"Too late he's already liked it!" Monica says laughing
Just then the intelligence unit walk in along with Gabby. Jay goes to leave
"Hey! I'm not having this! You 3 better sort things out! Now!" Monica says
"Fine!" Gabby says

 Jay goes to leave "Hey! I'm not having this! You 3 better sort things out! Now!" Monica says "Fine!" Gabby says

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