Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

“Someone help me!” I desperately screamed out into the non-responding silence. There was no idea in screaming after help, the only person that would hear me was the only person who I didn’t want to hear me. I was tired, so tired. I had been tied up on this chair, beaten, and hadn’t gotten any food in days, maybe weeks. Inside the room that I was held in was still dark, no sign of light, making every sign of life that I had left feel gone. During the days that I had been held here I had given up more and more, I had let him hit me I hadn’t fought for myself. In my mind I was helpless, my life was gone. If I would have any sign of life left someone would have at least had tried to save me by now.

I can’t stop thinking of how the people back home might be feeling. I know my mom would be devastated, but since she hadn’t cared so much about me in my childhood the only people I could think and worry about was the people that was in my life now. Juliette, she must be blaming herself so badly, Josh must be worried to death, and don’t get me started on Scott. Scott is the most stone faced person I know but he must actually have showed some feelings by now.

In front of me was a large door, I’ve learned that by now, remembering how many times his large gestalt has walked through those doors to beat me up. Now the door that I had grown hate towards, that always meant that I was getting beaten, opened. The familiar squeak echoed through the room, light seeking towards me from the door. His large and too muscular gestalt walked towards me. He had a grin on his face which I wanted to rip of his face.

“I want to show you something,” he said clearly, his grin still there.

“But I don’t want to see,” I hissed back. He sighed playfully.

“Lucy now is not the time to seem scary,” he playfully laughed back.

Then he walked up behind me and picked up the chair I was seated in. Soon I was seated outside the room I had been held in for days or weeks. In front of me was a large screen, not cinema large screen, but it was still larger than most TV’s you had at home. Under the screen there were three computers, loads of cables and old fast-food bags full with garbage.

He stood in front of one of the computers, I didn’t see what he was doing his broad frame was in the way. However, soon the screen started and a picture of my school was on the screen.

“Please turn the sound of your phones of and enjoy the movie,” he exclaimed jokingly and what I thought was a picture started and turned out to be a video.

First there was just a regular school, some students walking together outside of school and others standing together talking not far from the school. Then it happened. Everything happened so quickly. In seconds everything was on its opposite and I couldn’t do anything. Half of the school was on flames. The explosion was so large and the students who had been standing there was now gone. How could he do this to everyone?! Loads of students had now lost their lives; this was actually people who were gone. These people were gone, forever, never getting back, never get to experience the rest of their life. I felt the anger build up inside of me.

“How dare you!?” I screamed at him, but he only looked pleased with my reaction. “Those students are also humans, even though they are thought to be spies they are still humans! Now they are gone and will never come back! You have killed them!”

“Don’t be like that Lucy,” he grinned.

“Oh please!” I exclaimed. I started looking around searching for a way to get out of this chair I was tied to, desperately moved from side to side, up and down, but now I noticed that my feet was stuck to the chair with large metal pieces around them, making me unable to get out of there. The only way out was if I cut my feet off. He watched me fascinated. Now I started to get frustrated I couldn’t move, I was hungry, I hadn’t slept, I hadn’t breathed in fresh air in at least a week. I wanted life back. I started crying.

“Please I don’t want to be here,” I pleased wishing that there was a way that I could get out. That was when the thought hit me like a brick. What had happened to Juliette, Josh and Jaxon?!

“Are they alive?!” I screamed at him.

“I was starting to wonder when you were going to realise,” he said. “I haven’t seen them on the tape, but it’s not like I care.”

His words made me more miserable. What if they were one of the students who were turned into ash in the explosion? What if they were dead, gone…? I wanted answers and only until I knew if they were alive or not I would be able to relax.

Tears slide down my cheeks. I closed my eyes, trying to stop seeing his face. The face of the person who made this, who had destroyed everything I had under control in seconds. However, when I opened my eyes again his ugly face was still there, and I was still held hostage.



Sorry for not updating in a while. However, here is a new chapter, quite short but I hope you enjoyed it!

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