Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I gasped. Someone had gotten killed!? Who!?

"Who is it Ms Green? Who has gotten killed?" I asked her.

"I don't know, I don't want to look," she answered, still crying.

"I-I usually don't work with this kind of stuff I'm just a teacher I-I," she cried. I went over to her and patted her on the shoulder trying to show her that I cared. I didn't want to show her how scared I actually was. I've never seen a dead person. Though since I was one of them who actually needs to know who it was that had been killed, I knew that I need to go in there and look at the person. I thought I was gonna die myself, I was so scared. 'Suck it up Lucy, you are a future spy and agent, in the future you'll see dead people everyday!" I told myself.

"If you go call the principal, I'll just go in there," I said. Ms Green was in such a shock she just nodded and followed order, she didn't react to the part of me "going in there", poor woman.

I opened the door and was welcomed of a horrible smell, blood. Just right inside the door there was a pool of blood. As I walked pass the pool of blood I saw the body. The dead persons throat was split open and the eyes were wide open. There was blood around the person like an aura. I knew I had to step into the pool of blood to see the persons whole face. I took one step at a time towards the body, my hands shaking and sweating. Squatting, I sat next to the body and leaned over the body, my shoe in a blood puddle. I gasped, it was Mr Stone, the fighting teacher. In a second I rushed out of the room. I couldn't be in there anymore.

As I walked out a lot of people had gathered around Ms Green. The principal was there and at the look of it he was calling the police, though he was rather calm. While all the other people rushed around and panicked he looked calm, almost to calm.

In minutes the police was there. They got the body out in this black corpse bag. I was probably in shock, I just stood there as frozen while everything happened. The red and blue light from the police car lightened up the place. I saw that some students had switched on the lights in their room and were looking down at us from their windows.

I stared at the blue band that the police put up that showed that it was cordon off. One police walked up to me and asked me questions as if I saw the body which I answered yes too. He asked me other questions, as why I walked into the room and so on. Under all the questions I felt that I wasn't really connectable, I wasn't there. It felt as I was in another place or in the sky watching it from above.

An ambulance came to the place too. They helped all the people that were in shock, even me. They gave me a blanket to keep myself warm.

After a while the principal walked over to me.

"You okay?" He asked a little worried. I shook my head.

"No, but I want to be okay," I whimpered.

"You're Lucy Watson right?" He asked. I nodded at him.

"It's always shocking for people when they see their first dead body. Even the most badass spies get shocked, like you," he said and smiled at me. Did he just call me a badass spy? I smiled at him.

"So go up to your dorm now and go to sleep, sleep in tomorrow before school starts again and try to forget what happened, okay?" He said. I nodded again.

I turned on my heel and was just about to go to my dorm when he spoke up again.

"And Lucy, if you still feel shocked on Monday just come to my office and I'll tell the teachers that you have Monday off, but that's just if you are absolutely not in the mood!" He said.

Love, Spy and Dieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن