Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

It was Saturday afternoon and my whole weekend I have been sitting in my bed preparing for the PowerPoint Presentation I was going to have in front of my biology class of what you should do in different life threatening situations. Outside the window it was already starting to turn dark, the street lamps already turned on. I was curled up under my pink flowered cover; my laptop was on my lap and a bag of chips beside me, the half empty coke was not far away. I had everything I needed for a full study day. I was soon done and Juliette and I could go out for a dinner out.

An hour passed. During the hour I had done the finishing touches and I was now done. Exhausted, I stood up from the bed and went over to my dresser. Being the picky person I am with clothes I had chosen the right clothes after 15 long minutes. Then I quickly fixed the rest and I was done. Meanwhile I waited for Juliette to call me so we could go out and eat I sat down on my bed and relaxed. The past week had just passed by in what felt like a second; I had done nothing besides rushing and stressing. My mind had been on other things besides my assignments, I can tell you that the mission has been one of the things stuck in my mind all week. I had gotten some details about the murder of Adrian from Juliette; she had hacked into the police documents and records and founded some needful information. Apparently Adrian was chokes to death by a thick rope and then thrown to the ground so his head split open. At first the polis thought the crack in his head was his cause of death, which was not the case. This leaves me and Juliette with a throat cutter and choking murderer, to put it differently there is a pattern between the murders. This must mean one thing, it is the same murderer. Even though the way the murderer prefers to kill a person is almost the same I had this feeling that we were looking for the same murderer, and this feeling has turned out right infinitely many times.

Suddenly it knocked on the door. In a rush, I opened the door. There stood Juliette with a happy smile on her lips as always. She was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and her almost apparent light pink t shirt was hidden behind a thick winter jacket with fake fur on the hood.

“Hi! Did I interrupt?” She greeted happily.

“No you didn’t, I was waiting on you actually.” I said as I walked in and quickly tied my shoes and grabbed my black jacket, looking almost similar to Juliette’s just without the fake fur. “I thought you would call so we could meet outside?” I asked.

“Yes I know, I just wanted to go here instead,” she smiled again.

“You seem really happy, have something amazing happened?” I asked as we walked down the stairs and into the hall where Mr Stone was brutally killed.

“Nah, just in a super good mood today,” she laughed.

“Yeah, I’ve noticed, you semblance of joy,” I pointed out with a smile. Juliette answered me with a laugh.

As we walked out of the building I saw a familiar face walking towards us. Shawn was in his regular black jeans, thick jacket with untied shoes. Shawn looked up from the ground and noticed Juliette and I, he smiled and walked towards us.

“Hi,” I greeted when we were a few meters from each other.   

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