Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

After Juliette had shouted at me with confusion and irritation in her voice about guns and what the hell I am doing, I quickly ran up to her computer that was in her lap. Grabbed it and searched for Adrian's name on the schools computer base. Loads of names came up on the screen. I scrolled through all the people smoothly and after a time I found him. A lot of information and even a picture came up when I clicked on his name. This must at least be pages long. New occupation then... Consequently I hadn't enough time. He was probably the serial killer we were looking for. The idea made me shiver. I'm going to stop my first killer. You probably know by now that I'm not a big fan of this spy thing. Therefore, I shudder, all the other students at this school would have rejoiced, though I am special from the other students.

I searched extremely quickly in the text of Adrian and my finger went over the computer screen as I read so as not to lose myself in the reading. When I found what I was looking for so I smiled a jubilant smile and mentally patted myself on the head. I had found where he lives. Luckily, he lived just one floor below me.

"What are you doing? Planning something without me?" Juliette asked.

"I'm searching for where his room can be. When we have found it we can plan out what to do when we are getting him," I told her. She nodded with agreement.

"But do we really have enough information to confront him?" asked Juliette.

"When you mention it, yes we do look here," I said while turning the laptop towards her. "And who use another name if not a serial killer," I said knowledgeably.

"He has probably been in an accident that makes him feeling the need to have a cover up," she said thoughtfully, I guess she have a point. "Why don't we just stay cool for a while and see what comes up?" She asked. Why now, I'm just a tiny bit from catching him? I wanted to ask her that but the

The icy look in her eyes staring at me and ordered me to stop. She is good at being able to control people with icy eyes. Note the sarcasm. I opened my mouth to protest but deep inside I knew she was right. Something did not feel right. But I thought he seemed older than his friends?* cannot that be a sign that he may be someone other than a regular student? We would really have to search more but Adrian was from now our main suspects.

I nodded to show her that I agreed and started to put everything in place from my outburst of making a plan. Juliette just smiled a little.

Suddenly Juliette started giggling. I looked at her with confusion.

"Sorry just got a message from a boy, he's funny," she embarrassed said while tugging her short hair behind her ear. Her mobile phone lighted up with the notice that she had gotten a new message again. With a smile on her lips she read the message and texted back. This must be the boy from earlier this morning she was talking about.

I shoved the box with weapons and other necessary things under the bed and after that I was done with the cleaning. I jumped onto the bed beside a giggly Juliette.

"Might telling me who this funny boy is?" I asked her.

"His name is Jaxon and I met him after you left me yesterday," she explained. While she talked I checked my phone. I don't know why but I think I wanted a boy to text me too.

"You should thank me," I smiled.


"If I didn't leave you there all alone you wouldn't have met your crush." I said and shrugged.

"He's not my crush!"

"Yes, I see how you act when you get a text, all giggly," I told her with a laugh.

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