Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Turned out that Juliette and I were two of the people who are going to be inside the house, besides us there were two other boys. The rest of the agents were going to be outside. You are probably wondering why we need Juliette on the inside, she's just a hacker? Well it turned out that the girl in the house have electrical locks on her windows because she wants to feel safe, because one year ago she was in a terrible accident, which is another story.

Juliette and I stood beside all the other agents about a half a mile away from where the party is going to be. I had my red blouse and shorts that I brought earlier and Juliette had on the clothes she had brought. The other boys' names that were going to be on the inside of the house names were Brad and Matthew. They had just graduated about a year ago and still had the young look so they could easy melt in.

"Okay just remember to listen into your ear buds," Matthew reminded for the third time this evening.

"Yes, this is the third time you remind us," Juliette and I complained.

"He does that all the time," Brad laughed.

Brad was very short for a boy; he was about the same height as me. He had a very kind face with his chocolate brown eyes and round nose; he had blond curls that made him look even cuter. Then there was Matthew he was extremely tall and was a Channing Tatum look-alike. I really need to try to not look under his shirt if he has the same abs as him as well.

We walked down the road and at the end of the street you could see a big house with lights in different colour shining through the windows and you could hear the music blasting.

"Seems like we are there soon, are you ready girls for your first mission?" Matthew asked.

Both Juliette and I nodded excitedly. Juliette had a huge smile on her lips.

"I'm as ready as I can be, I have my computer in my bag and everything I need, and I can't be more prepared," she said while doing a little jump. Brad looked at Matthew with a "wtf - look", I just laughed at her.

As we walked into the house the first person I jumped into was Josh's brother, Jaxon, aka Juliette's new "boyfriend". He was already drunk and walked around all giggly and looked really dizzy. When he saw Juliette he got happy and rushed over to her and embraced her in a big hug. After that he tried to make out with her but Juliette shoved him away. With pouting lips he looked disappointed at her.

"But babe, doesn't you want to kiss your handsome boyfriend?" he cried. He's even more annoying when he's drunk.

"No I can't," Juliette sighed. Brad and Matthew stood beside her and looked at her with fascinating eyes, if they wanted to see if she could turn down her own boyfriend, or if you could call him that.

"And second you are not my boyfriend," Juliette continued. Jaxon tried to come closer and kiss her but she pushed him away.

"Go home Jaxon you are drunk," Juliette complained as she tried to get away from her drunk boyfriend.

"Babeee the party has jusht shtarted," he stammered as he whined.

"I know, I know, but someone need to get you home Jaxon, you're really drunk," Juliette said concerned.

Both Brad and Matthew stood with arms crossed over their chest and looked entertaining at Juliette and Jaxon. Brad started laughing when Jaxon tried to kiss Juliette one more time. Matthew on the other hand started to look around in the room as if he searched for someone.

"Lucy find one of Jaxon's friends who still are sober that can drive him home, Juliette you stay here with Jaxon and Brad and I will look after Adrian, okay?" Matthew said.

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