Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

My body was aching more than ever. It was dark, probably because my eyes are closed. Though it didn't matter, I was used to it. Darkness has turned out to be one of my closest friends. Not only for the past weeks or even month, but through my whole life. Unwanted memories of being tied up in the dark room only made the anxiety start to nibble on me, bite for bite it took over. Pushing the memory to the side I chose to think about the bright things in my life. Darkness could swallow me whole but there was a few bright memories pulling me back. My whole life the bright things in my life had been my ground which had made me stand strong. Darkness was the fog or poison that no one really noticed even though it slowly killed me, painfully and miserably. What I refer as darkness could be things as how my mom practically sold me to a company or community who educates children into warriors, or even the times I got kidnapped, not only once but twice. Therefor I chose to not open my eyes. Not yet at least. I wanted to feel what peace and total happiness felt like, something I hadn't experienced a lot in my earlier days, but something I wanted to conclude in the future.

Laying here must be what peace felt like. Silence and emptiness. Still, it didn't feel right. I couldn't hide the feeling of someone crushing my hand probably thinking that crushing my hand could bring me back to reality. Maybe someone who missed me so much that breaking my hand only felt like the way out. I laughed which was something I hadn't done for a while.

Somehow I felt like it was the small pieces of brightness that brought me back to life, what created me. And that I couldn't leave, not even for total happiness. So I made one of the biggest decisions and chose to wake up.

At first the light was unbearable and too light for my eyes. I wanted to shut my eyes again because of the bright light. Once again brightness wasn't my thing, though this was for another reason.

After a short amount of time my eyes finally adjusted and I could see the white roof. Then I recognised the rest of the room. I was at the hospital.

"Lucy, you're awake?" I heard a too happy voice beside me, almost squeaking and realised at that moment it was my darkness creator of a mother. I looked to my left and there she was, smiling excitedly at me with her too large smile who could sell anything.

"Seems like it," I answered. She just smiled and stroked my cheek. Nothing more was said, though the silence was comfortable. For once I enjoyed her company.

Remembering what I promised her the last time I met her I chose to break the silence.


"Yes darling?"

"I didn't keep my promise, I didn't succeed," I whisper and that was when everything broke down and I cried. What surprised me was that she looked at me in awe and then she hugged me warmly.


"You what?"

"I was never dead," he repeated, shrugging his shoulders like it was nothing. At that moment something snapped in me and my anger went from 0 to 100 real quick.

"Who are you to just stand there and pretend like it is nothing? We fucking cried at your so called funeral! Do you know how much pain you have put your brother in?!" I walked up to him and pushed him backwards. Sadly, for me, he just stepped back a step due to the force. I kept pushing him taking out all of my anger on him.

"Juliette," he protested. I kept taking out my anger on him.

"JULIETTE!" he screamed and grabbed my wrists pulling me to his chest. The walls that I had built up for the last weeks suddenly broke down and the tears started flooding nonstop. Josh hugged me to his chest and I could hear him sigh deeply. I cried, cried for all the weeks Lucy had been missing. Crying was something I had done too much lately and I felt like I was getting tired of crying. But I couldn't find a way to stop the tears, so I just let them fall down my cheeks.

By the time I had stopped crying I let go from Josh's hold on me and took a step back.

"I'm sorry for me crying and greasing down your shirt, but thanks for the support, hug or whatever you want to call it," I thanked awkwardly. Josh just shrugged, again.

"It was nothing, I've been the rock everyone cries' on lately, I'm getting used to it," he slightly laughed.

There was a short silence but then Josh spoke up again, continuing what he had to say.

"I'm here for one reason, and that is because I need all information you have on Shawn, and if you don't have that much, maybe you could help me find some?"

"No, no, no, wait, you think you can just pretend to die, then show up here at my dorm and then ask for information without explaining yourself?" I asked angrily.

Josh seemed to pretend to deeply think for a short amount of time then he answered shortly.

"Yes." I hit him hard on the chest.

"Stop hitting me woman", he protested. I groaned at him and his childish behaviour.

"I'm so happy I'm dating your brother not you," I mumbled to myself but Josh seemed to pick it up anyway and snorted. He was about to protest when I screamed at him.

"Tell me!"

"Okay then, I did it all for Lucy," he mumbled.

"No shit," I said.

"So it all started when Adrian got killed. Adrian and I have some history together..." He told me about the night when Adrian's parents got killed and how he was the one to save Adrian.

"However, when Adrian got killed it didn't surprise me I only knew the killer was back. I knew that this wasn't just a regular serial killer so he would probably kill me too. When he kidnapped Lucy I knew he was after me and that was when I chose to fake my death in the fire and go searching for Lucy myself," he told me. I nodded at his respond, trying to melt all of the information all at once. But it was something that bothered me.

"Then why did Shawn kill our teacher?"

"That is a great question to ask Juliette", a voice that I hated said from behind me and when I turned around I only saw the person I did not want to meet at the moment.



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Have a great day!

- Veronica

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