Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

One day had passed since I got put into this uncomfortable bed at the hospital. The nurses had told me to stay until the next morning if something was going to happen to the wound at the back of my head. No one had come to meet me since Juliette yesterday, besides that I had gotten a call from my mother and Josh. Hospital rooms wasn’t the funniest place may I tell you, a nurse have brought me a magazine full of gossip about celebrities which I had now read about three times this day. When you are hospitalized a lot of things goes through your mind, I had gotten so many ideas during these days. Also you get a lot of sleep. At the moment I was extremely bored, I sighed and looked up at the white sealing. During the day here I had noticed how the sealing wasn’t as clean as everyone thinks it is. I wondered if the warrant had gone through, or not, if Juliette had succeed. Just at that moment Juliette called.

“Hello, finally someone calls!” I exclaimed as I answered.

“Yeah hi, I have to tell you something,” Juliette told me. It was something about her voice, how it changed and sounded different or weak, that made me realise that this wasn’t something good she was about to tell me.

“You know how you told me to stop the search warrant?”


“I couldn’t do it, and-“

“You what!?” I exclaimed.

“I couldn’t do it, but that’s not the point, we didn’t find anything that seemed suspicious, or fit the evidence at the crime scene. Shawn is not the one we are looking for,” Juliette told me.

“Yes he is! He doesn’t have an alibi and he threatened me just because of the search warrant! It’s him!”

“Sorry Lucy it’s not… You should just rest and we will talk about this tomorrow when you leave the hospital,” Juliette said.

“What time should I pick you up tomorrow?”

“I call you when they release me,” I sighed and hung up on her before she said anything else. I put my phone on the wood -like table beside me. I don’t get it, why would he threaten me if he doesn’t have anything to hide? I know that Shawn is hiding something and I need to show it to everyone else. I’m not going to let a killer go free on the streets, especially when he have told me himself that something bad is going to happen. With my mind full of thoughts and ideas I fell asleep.


I woke up to the feeling of not being able to breath. A large rough hand was covering my mouth and nose, slowly taking away all the air from me. Darkness surrounded me, kept me from seeing the attacker’s face. I fought for my life, tried to hit the person who kept me from breathing. The attacker was too strong and just pinned my arms down as I fought for my life. My mind got dizzier and dizzier soon I felt like I was going to black out. I screamed for my life behind the attackers hand though for no reason. Soon I fell into a darker world who welcomed me into their embrace like you welcome a friend.

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