Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Late that night Scott called me. Tired, but still awake watching Netflix, I answered his call.

“Yes,” I said.

“Lucy, I got what you asked for.” Happily, I sat up straight, almost making my laptop falling of my lap.

“Are you serious?” I said loudly.

“Yes,” Scott answered. “Though you don’t know how much work I put into that.”

“Thank you, you’re the best!” I thanked him.

“I know,” Scott answered. I snorted at his reply.

“Alright, I will email you it and you can print it out and show him it, then you can start,” Scott told me.

“But won’t he wonder why I have an order of search warrant from a judge?” I asked. Scott went silent. I could imagine him deep in thought his hand scratching his head as he always used to do when we practiced earlier in my life. 

“You know that’s a good question,” he mumbled. In my life there had only been a few time were Scott had been unware of what to do. There was a long silence until Scott spoke up again.

“Lucy, I think I’ve to ask Agent Todd about this,” he said and then he cancelled the call.

I just sighed at his act. Knowing that I had to tell Juliette about the news, I reached for my white phone. Acknowledging how late at night it was and that Juliette was probably sleeping, I only sent her a text message.

Hi, Scott called. Our request of search warrant has gone through.

Juliette answered back soon after.


I checked the time who said 01:22 am. Feeling how tired I really was, I put my laptop on the floor in front of me and went over to my bed. I laid down and not soon enough I had fallen asleep.


Like always on Sundays I woke up without an alarm, which on other hand also means that it was later than usually to wake up. My black watch beside my bed showed 11:06. With a yawn I got out of my bed and walked towards my dresser. Without thinking of what I chose to wear I tucked out a pair of white jeans and a red sweater. After that I quickly went into the shower and made myself ready for the day. Soon enough I was done and went over to Juliette’s dorm and knocked on the wooden door.

“I’m coming,” Juliette shouted on the other side of the door. Just a few seconds passed then she opened the door.

“Good morning,” I greeted when she opened the door.

“Oh hi Lucy, what are you doing here?”

Juliette opened her door a little more as a gesture for me to get inside. Her dorm was a little messy, some clothes was lying around on different places, besides that it was as usually.

“We need to go to the headquarters and talk to Agent Todd and Scott about the search warrant,” I answered her. Juliette nodded her head in agreement and the she turned on her heel and walked to her black wooden dresser, similar to mine.

“I’ll just get ready real quick and then we can go,” she said. As she spoke I realised that she was still in her pink pyjamas and her hair was in a total mess, she must have just woken up.

“Did I wake you up?” I asked. Juliette kept looking through her dresser for clothes while answering.

“No, I was up reading when you knocked on the door,” she confirmed.

“Good,” I said with a smile. I went over to her bed and sat know while waiting for her to get ready. Juliette took notice of my action as she closed the dresser and walked towards the bathroom.

“Maybe instead of waiting here you can go down to the car and turn up the heater? It’s so cold outside.”

“Sure, who’s car are we taking?” I asked.


“Okay, see you in a bit,” I said and walked out of her dorm. I walked down the long corridor passing some students from my classes and greeted them. I turned the corner and then went to the stairs. Just when I was two feet away from the door to the stairs I was dragged into another corridor.  

“What the –“I spoke but got a hand over my mouth so I couldn’t speak. “Please don’t say that I will get kidnapped again…” I thought. That was when I saw his face. His green eyes stared into mine; his hair was as always, messy.

“Lucy I know what you will do, if you make that search warrant happen something bad will happen,” Shawn said. I tried to say that he just had dug himself into a deeper hole when he told me this but my voice was just a mumble behind his hand.

“You get that?” he said. I nodded as a conferment.


The next thing I remember is a hard punch in the face as I slammed against the wall, then everything went black.



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EX OH EX OH – Veronica

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