Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I woke up to a white sealing. Groaning, as I felt the head ache I had. At first I wondered where I was when I noticed the room was in the same colour as the sealing, the furniture’s as well just a little darker. His face looked concerned as he stood on the other side of the room, checking his phone. Soon I remembered everything and I groaned a little more.

“You’re awake,” Scott smiled from the other side of the room with a less concerned smile. I nodded since I didn’t have the strength to answer him; my headache was already too much. I pointed to my head and groaned wishing that Scott understood what I meant. He nodded his head and walked out of the hospital room. Soon he came back in with some painkillers. I took one and laid down in the hospital bed again.

“Juliette was the one who found you I you wondered, she is very worried about you,” he told me. I nodded then sighed. I concealed my headache and how much it was actually hurting as I answered weakly.

“She’s here?”

“Yes, she’s just outside this room,” he answered. “They only let one of us be in here, and luckily I was the one who was to be in here when you woke up.”

“Great,” I answered as I showed off a weak fake smile.

“You know what is good about this?” Scott suddenly asked after a short time of silence. I shook my head in respond.

“You don’t have to worry about the search warrant because you are staying here; the nurses are going to take a look at that horrible wound of yours at the back of your head.”

“No you can’t-!” I protested as I remembered what Shawn had told me, though I realised that I couldn’t tell them about Shawn’s request.

“Lucy of course I can, you’ve to wait until tomorrow afternoon until you maybe can get released from here,” Scott told me.


“No but, everything is in good hands Lucy, now rest,” Scott said as walked out of the hospital room.

“Shit,” I mumbled as he was out of sight, what am I going to do now? I’m sure Shawn is going to kill someone; he has done it before and is going to do it again. I have to tell Juliette, she’s the only person I thrust to 100%.

“Juliette you slow blonde, get in here before I get old and die!” I shouted to her. In a second she came running into the room.

“Ah you’re awake!” Juliette said in happiness.

“Yes, now please take a seat beside me, your aunt Lucy wants to tell you a story,” I joked. Juliette laughed.

“Are you alright?”

I nodded and gestured her to sit down beside me. She walked up to the side of my bed and sat down exactly on the same spot Scott had just been sitting on.

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