Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


For what felt like months I've been held hostage in this dark room. I'm still tied to the chair and my butt is hurting more than you can imagine. As before the room is still dark, the only times I get to see light is when the door is open. Though I don't what the door to open because it only means that he is going to come in and hit me or laugh in my face about all the 124 people he killed in the explosion. Every single time he talks he remember me about the lives that he has killed, and every single time it is like a slap to my face, I could have saved all those people if I wasn't so weak. If I were stronger I wouldn't be seated here, I would have killed him before he even tried to take me at the hospital. I knew I shouldn't blame myself for the peoples death, but it was hard to not. Innocent people, loved ones, students were gone and would never come back. Maybe I could have saved them? Maybe I couldn't? Blame was my largest enemy here in the darkness and the feeling that I could have done something against the explosion was still there gnawing is way through my whole body from a little spot near my heart.

For every day that passed it felt like I was growing more and more insane. Yesterday I thought I had heard Josh's voice outside the door, talking, and then yelling my name. He had screamed my name and then his voice had slowly faded away. The day before that I thought I had smelled flowers inside the dark room. Right now I thought I could smell fresh blood and dead bodies. Soon the smell disappeared and I started crying. The smell, it was from all the people that had died, their bodies. Nobody had to tell me, I knew. I remembered the smell that had lingered in the air when I saw Mr Stone's body, it was forever imprinted in my mind like you engrave letters in stones.

About a month ago I was back home with Juliette and Josh, I was looking for a serial killer and Adrian had just gotten killed. I still remember the day morning after Josh and I had fallen asleep in the same bed. I remember it like it was yesterday.

The morning sun shined through the blinds and slowly woke me up. I yawned and stretched. As I stretched my hand slowly hit something soft. Then memories flooded back into my mind and I smiled. I turned to Josh who was lying on his side, his relaxed face facing me. I moved closer to him and cuddled up beside him. With a happy sigh I closed my eyes and was just about to drift back to sleep when a dark and raspy morning voice spoke up.

"Good morning." I opened one eye and faced a wide awake Josh. His hair was messy and he a tired look on his face.

"Good morning," I answered back and smiled at him. He smiled back and stroke his thumb over my cheek then in the same move he put some hair behind my ear.

"Thanks for the hit in the face by the way," he chuckled. I laughed while my cheeks turned slightly red.

"Sorry I was stretching and forgot that you were lying there."

"I could tell by the dinosaur noises you were doing," he said and laughed. Now my face was probably like a tomato and I couldn't stop myself from hiding behind my hair that had fallen down. Josh slowly took away the hair from my face and looked at me seriously.

"I like when you blush," he said and I nervously giggled. "I'm serious." I just nodded while trying to hold my laugh in. He had a too serious facial expression and he looked so cute while he tried to act it off. It didn't take long before I cracked up and Josh started to laugh with me. When we both had stopped laughing he looked me in the eyes with adoration. Then he moved closer and kissed me. His lips were so soft.

The door slammed open and I was quickly drawn back to reality. Shawn's face was red and he looked like he was boiling with anger. With long steps he walked up to my chair, released me from my chair and then dragged me out of the room. 'This is my chance' I thought and as I tried to get away from him he pointed a gun at my head.

"If you do anything that I don't like I will kill you without hesitation," he said through his gritted teeth. I whimpered in answer. We walked through a long corridor and then through a door that led to a garage. In the garage was a black Volvo. He threw me into the trunk and then closed it quickly. I heard him open and close the driver's door and not long after the car started. The smell from the fumes became too much after a while and I blacked out.


Hope was my greatest friend since about a week ago when I had found the millisecond of change in the video. For the first week in a long time I had been able to sleep the amount of hours I needed and now I felt better than I have for a long time. I was so happy because now we had a chance in finding Lucy, we may even be able to do it so soon, and that just made me excited and hopeful.

Though Jaxon was something else, I don't know how many times I have seen him cry this last week. It has only been a week since his brother's death and it was killing me to see him so sad. I didn't know he would get this sad and neither did he. He has told me dozens of times that he didn't know he would cry this much. He didn't want to cry, but he couldn't stop himself. Every time he said he didn't want to cry I always answered with 'it's okay to cry', and then Jaxon would start crying again. Other people that didn't know Jaxon personally would have called him a wimp or screamed at him to man and stop acting like a girl. However, I didn't because I knew him and his background. His parents didn't like either Josh or Jaxon and they had been through a rough childhood, Josh was the only person that he really loved and now he was gone.

My first lesson today was English, it wasn't a spy class, all special and stuff, this was just English. Because of my hope and happiness I was today clothed better than usual, I wanted to look good for once. I was wearing a pair of tight black high wasted jeans and a red crop top. With a smile on my lips I walked into the classroom. I sat down on my usual spot, in the front row closest to the window. As the lesson started the teacher walked into the classroom. We were going to start reading the book Wuthering Heights one of Lucy's favourite books. That was when all guilt hit me. Why was I so happy? She wasn't even out of there yet? What if she is dead? Just as I thought that I felt tears building up in my eyes and I rushed out of the classroom.



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- Veronica

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