Twins and Son|38

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(Since I made this in 2019, Yes I remember it just now, I'm just giving you guys a little heads up because My writing style has been influentially changed, This chapter was currently made on May 3rd, so that explains the changed writing style bc I neglected this book and I'm actually thinking of making this book unpublished because:

1. The Plot is everywhere

2. There are literally a lot of Misunderstandings between Y/n and Alastor

3. And I wrote this when I had no experience,

Currently, I still have little experience and kept getting new ideas every other day while writing other ff books.

Also a heads up, From this Chapter Until Chapter 43, These are the Chapters or the ideas of the chapters that made me continue this book even though I had no motivation of continuing this.

And the Art above belongs to Me!

Anyway! Enjoy!)

The cries of babies filled the room,

I panted,

Tired from giving birth to twins,

A girl named Mara and a boy named Seth, Mara was the Older one while Seth was the Younger one by 13 minutes.

I succumbed to sleep due to being in labor for so long.

Everything happened so fast, It's getting hard for me to catch up with What's happening.

As the months passed, It was a total nightmare compared to when I raised Albert on my own 'Was this What Alastor put up with Alessandra???' I questioned in my head,

A knock interrupted my thoughts

"Come in"

Muffle and Baffle came inside my room after opening the door "Greetings Your Highness-" I hummed, feeling sleepy due to the lack of sleep,

"We're here to help you fix you up for the arrival of Lord Albert" I nodded, I followed what they asked of me since I didn't have the energy to do anything myself.

"You look stunning, Your Highness" I peeked through my lidded eyes, opening one to look at the mirror,

Dark circles have decorated under my eyes, I almost looked like a zombie in this beautiful dress, the makeup didn't help at all.

"Shall we escort Your Highness downstairs?" I nodded lazily before Muffle and Baffle led me downstairs.

"Mommy!" Alessandra ran towards me, engulfing me into a hug,

I pat her head, signaling to let go "Good Morning My Dearest" Alastor greeted, kissing my cheek as he held both of the twins with the help of his shadow manipulation

"Oh dear, Y/n You look like a mess" Mom commented placing her hand under my chin, lifting up my face to get a good look at my haggard face.

"Mom, What are we doing out here? And dressed so formal?" Charlie asked, earning a laugh from Lucifer before lightly hitting Charlie's head with the Apple on his cane,

"It's simple! Someone very special is arriving today and we're going to take another family photo without anyone missing!"

Lilith sighed before explaining "Actually, Lucifer burned the photos we took since it wasn't good enough especially since his favorite grandson was left out"

"I didn't know Dad played favorites with his grandchildren" Charlie commented,

I quietly yawn, I was up until 4 am in the morning since Mara and Seth kept crying and wouldn't sleep, Alastor was bonding with Rosie since she wanted to know what was going on.

One time, Alastor personally introduced Alessandra, Mara and Seth all together without me since Alastor told me to rest, to Rosie, after a few minutes in Rosie's home was spent, Seth was the first one to cry, Mara followed after then Alessandra began to whine, they had to come back here, Alastor woke me up and asked what was wrong with Mara and Seth, I told him to hand them over and when he did, Mara and Seth stopped crying, beginning to fall asleep, Alessandra was also drifting away to sleep as well, when the three fell asleep in my arms and in my lap, Alastor felt defeated that He couldn't handle his own children.

"My Dearest, Here, drink up" Alastor handed me a glass of cold water, humming, I took it from him And downed it in a split second, making the glass disappear from my hand, Alastor blinked in surprise before chuckling "Oh! He's here!!" Lucifer pointed at the carriage.

The maids and Butlers gathered and went to form two lines leading to the castle, bowing when the carriage went past them.

The carriage stopped a few feet in front of us, the carriage door opened, to reveal a blonde-brown Human male,

I squinted before blinking, opening my eyes before a smile quickly grew on my face "Albert!!" I ran towards him,

He quickly turned to me "Mother!" I jumped on him, engulfing each other in a hug "I missed you so much!" I peppered My Son's face with kisses "I'm happy to see you too, Mom" Albert chuckled before looking at his grandparents, Lilith and Lucifer.

"Hey Gramps, Grandmother" Lilith giggled at the scene, I stood up and Helped my Son get back on his feet "How have you been? You're so grown up now that you were so small and fragile when you were a cute lad, I feel like you were just a little boy yesterday!" Albert blinked for a moment before coughing

"Mother, Your Horns" He pointed out "Oh don't worry about it, I've gotten used to it" I waved it off

"I don't understand, Your son- I mean, My nephew is a....Human?" Charlie asked,

We all turned to her before laughing "My apologies Dear Aunt" Albert transformed into his normal form before summoning his cane

"I'm Albert Magne, The Firstborn child of My Dearest Mother, I'm afraid we haven't met properly since Mother told me you were busy with your ideals"

I linked arms with Albert while Introducing himself "Let's go inside! The photographer's waiting!" Lucifer went inside with Lilith, we followed behind "How's everything?" I asked, walking beside my son "Everything's always perfectly fine, Mother" Albert answered

"Have you read my letters yet? The shipment was awful in the mortal world, so I had to self-ship it" I smiled "I'm really sorry that I couldn't read all of it, I've been always busy but you can tell me everything that happened!" Albert laughed "You won't be bored at all when I'm here, Mother" We both laughed, walking inside the 2nd living room.

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