A bit Possessive and Jealous|33

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Y/n's POV

"I think you better go and help the others set up Alessandra's party" "You won't help?" Alastor asked as i shook my head "i need to do something first,I'll be at the party" i kissed Alastor's cheek,stood up and left my room to go downstairs then I summoned the papers and my pen then write while walking and soon I bumped into someone that made the papers spread across the floor "I'm so sorry!" A male demon with somehow fish features and with a somewhat blue skin apologized while helping me get up then helped me grabbed the papers "It's fine really,I'm quite clumsy when i do work while walking" i said as the demon gave me the papers "Thanks" i said as i took the papers "I'm Baxter" "Nice to meet you Baxter,I'm Y/n" then I noticed a small box that is wrapped "Wait! You're Princess Y/n! The other daughter! It's a great pleasure to meet you finally in person!" 'Am I really that famous with my killing sprees and my work?' I thought as Baxter got the gift that was on the floor then Alastor teleported to me "My dear,What's with all the noise?" Alastor looked at me then came eye to eye with Baxter and glared "Now now Honey,it's fine,he's only a friend" then I realized what i said 'Shit!' Then Alastor sighed as he got back to his normal self while Baxter turned to me "Are you two a thing?" Baxter asked "Of course we are!" Alastor said while pulling me close with his arm around my waist "Well anyways,I wanted to give Alessandra a gift,it's harmless and it's only something kids wear in the human world" i made the papers disappear and i took the gift from Baxter's hand "I'll give it to Alessandra,thank you Baxter" I smiled as i saw a small tint of pink on his cheeks which made Alastor growl then Alastor swept me off my feet,carrying me bridal style then turned around then started to walk away from Baxter while saying "Good.Day!" Baxter left the castle as Alastor and I entered the library then placed me on a chair and Alastor sat down on a another chair then opened Alessandra's gift as i got curious on what it is "Seriously? A bow?" I asked "No need to worry My dear" Alastor burned the bow on his hand and then the bow turned into dust as Alastor stood up and went to the fireplace then threw the dust in and sat down on his chair as i stood up,walked up to him then sat on his lap and gently rubbed his ears "I know you're jealous" "I-I'm not! Hahaha such a ridiculously crazy idea! Me? Jealous? Of who? Hahaha!" Alastor said while I crossed my arms "Alright then,I'll be hanging out with Baxter then" i stood up and walked to the door then Alastor teleported to me and wrapped his arms around my waist "Okay fine" Alastor hid his face in shame on my shoulder as I smiled and turned to face him then hugged him "You tall silly Deer" i laughed "Oh! I forgot that you're pregnant,do you feel any symptoms yet?" Alastor asked as we let go of each other and i shook my head "Maybe it'll come next week since i just found out that I'm pregnant yesterday" i smiled "Hahaha! I can already picture Alessandra's face when she finds out!" Alastor and i laughed at his imagination "Anyways,how's the hotel and the others?" I asked as Alastor and i sat down "Not much improvement but there's one demon who wants to go in heaven since she's innocent,Charlie and the others are doing fine and maybe you can visit sometime to see the hotel" Alastor said "I'll see what i can do and arrange besides We're quite busy parents mostly likely me" I giggled "This has been on my mind since you came back" "Fire away" i smiled "What were you doing in my house for the past 5 years?" My eyes widened as i smiled "Well....i took care of a summoner's daughter,We held parties and etc. Now my turn,What did you do in your life before you got here in hell? I'm quite curious" then Alastor told me everything that happened and it seems that he's a serial killer but "Before i died,there was a woman,Her name was Y/s/n" (Okay,so we'll be using your second name (Y/S/N) if you don't have a second name then you can use any name except for the name you're currently using in this book which is (Y/n) your name,we'll continue now) i got curious "Oh? Can you describe her for me?" "She has a somewhat yellow blonde hair,blue sky eyes,yellow-ish fair skin,and she wears an off shoulder blue dress with a slit on her left side of her dress" "What year did she die?" I asked "I certainly don't know My dear but she was the last person i saw when I died and she was smiling devilishly,she didn't feel pity nor sadness,it's like she's happy letting me die in a dog-related incident. She was really nice but she was the first one to let me lose it" I giggled "guess she was your type,huh?" I asked as i turned to look at the fireplace "She was kind of but you're something more than her" i looked at Alastor and he was leaning in until our lips were 1 inch away "My dear,I'm being honest with you and you make me into a different person,I Love you and our family...For Eternity" I smiled at Alastor as we both leaned in for a kiss.

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